Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Last night there was a knock on my door and it was this girl from my class seeing if I wanted to go hang out with them downstairs. So I went and played Cranium with them. It was awesome! Lots of fun. Plus we won. And it was cool people. Apparently I'm really good at pictionary type drawing...and drawing with my eyes closed...hehe...

Plus at one point I had to sculpt this thing out of this smelly little clay that came with the game. The word was "splits". So I started to make a little person doing a split...but I did the legs and rather blank undefined body first...so it kinda looked like...well...

Ashley screamed out "Phallis!!"

Ah, Ashley. She is awesome and very funny.

So we did this excersize in one of my classes today. We all stand in a line holding hands. No, it's not a bonding thing. Then the TA started reading this stuff out like "If your ancestors were discriminated against because of race or ethnicity, take one step back" and "If your parents went to college, take one step forward." It was all to put a new perspective on the way privilage works and that kinda thing. At the end, the people farthest front were the most privilaged. It was all guys, really. The girls were scattered behind them. The one black girl in my class was way in the back and I was actually second to last. Pretty much because I'm Jewish. And female, but mostly becasue I'm Jewish. It was weird 'cause I'd never thought I'd be that far behind. I always thought I was pretty privilaged. It was just kinda weird.

But anyway. It was a good day. And I don't have class today so I stayed up talking to people and enjoying my lovely good mood and making a new buddy icon which is totally awesome and you should check out.

And now I think I should probably get some sleep. After I talk to Jon. 'Cause he's fun.


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