So the Slutzky Sisters (there's two links hidden in there, look carefully. I hope I got Beth's right.) prove yet again that they are some of the coolest people alive by leaving me very lovely comments on my last post. I think coolness is just some kind of genetic trait in that family. Matt is also one of the coolest people alive. Because I said so.
Today was spent sleeping way too late and then watching the end of Shrek. I went to Waterlillies with my parents and grandmother and had yummy Waterlillies chicken and that was pretty much the extent of my day.
Yesterday I went to dinner with Josh, who apparently ditched some other girl to go to JP Lee's with me. Don't I feel special? But anyway, that was cool and fun. We spent a bunch of time talking about various funny teachers. He had a teacher who's last name is Ho. That wasn't actually the funny thing about the teacher, but I was so thrown by the fact that his last name was Ho that the rest didn't matter. Apparently he knows the meaning of life, or something like that. Whatever. We also got lost in Millburn because Josh doesn't know his right from his left sometimes.
The really funny guy at JP Lee's thought we were going out. I think Josh was way more embarassed than I was. Which is silly, because I end up being the one who looks like a skanky ho since I've been in there many times with my ACTUAL boyfriend, not to mention with a group of like five other guys, also. How do I always end up looking slutty? Like the time that Jacob thought I was cheating on Matt with Philippe. Twice. One of those times I wasn't even going out with Matt yet. Crazy people.
So Madonna kissed Britany and Christina last night. Lovely! Why is everyone trying to steal the lesbian spotlight from Linda, Mari, and I? Not cool. Silly lesbian wannabe Madonna.
I shouldn't say that. I'm such a lesbian wannabe. I'm sure lesbians everywhere hate me. Please don't hate me. I have nothing but respect for you.
Linda and Mari and I had a sleepover at my house. Yippee! It was very laid back, which is nice. All those sleepovers we would have in middle school were much too stressful. I painted my toe nails bright red with sparkles and we watched lots of silly movies and went online and called Mike names. Actually, Mari called Mike names. Linda and I just watched. Linda got us pretty skirts in the Bahamas! I love mine. I'm wearing it right now...oh la la. I have to get Linda something. She always gets me stuff and I always love it (fun lip stuff, cool skirt) and I don't get her stuff and that's not nice of me. I got Mari a "Girls Kick Ass" magnet 'cause it was very cool and very Mari. I got Philippe a magnet that said something amusing about video games. Trust me, it was funny. So I need to get Linda stuff and Mike a birthday present and actually, Linda and Matt's birthday's are both coming I have lots of shopping to do.
Not to mention I'm leaving for school on...Wednesday? That's crazy. Everyone else is gone, though, so I'm starting to look forward to it more. Something to do other than sit around all day and be mopey 'cause I'm lonely.
So I think it's time for sleeping now. I hate to wake up at like 10 to clean or something. Booo. Good night.
P.S. I'm planning a cool entry as a sort of good luck good bye type of thing for everyone. But not good bye in the final way. Good bye in the good bye for now way. I love you guys! ::weeps like an overweight man in flannel who's had one too many beers::
Like I said. Good night.
P.P.S. I've decided that I don't think that Grace from Will and Grace is very attractive. Although that may just be because Grace annoys the shit out of me. Okay. Time for sleep now. For real. Good night.