Saturday, August 30, 2003

So the Slutzky Sisters (there's two links hidden in there, look carefully. I hope I got Beth's right.) prove yet again that they are some of the coolest people alive by leaving me very lovely comments on my last post. I think coolness is just some kind of genetic trait in that family. Matt is also one of the coolest people alive. Because I said so.

Today was spent sleeping way too late and then watching the end of Shrek. I went to Waterlillies with my parents and grandmother and had yummy Waterlillies chicken and that was pretty much the extent of my day.

Yesterday I went to dinner with Josh, who apparently ditched some other girl to go to JP Lee's with me. Don't I feel special? But anyway, that was cool and fun. We spent a bunch of time talking about various funny teachers. He had a teacher who's last name is Ho. That wasn't actually the funny thing about the teacher, but I was so thrown by the fact that his last name was Ho that the rest didn't matter. Apparently he knows the meaning of life, or something like that. Whatever. We also got lost in Millburn because Josh doesn't know his right from his left sometimes.

The really funny guy at JP Lee's thought we were going out. I think Josh was way more embarassed than I was. Which is silly, because I end up being the one who looks like a skanky ho since I've been in there many times with my ACTUAL boyfriend, not to mention with a group of like five other guys, also. How do I always end up looking slutty? Like the time that Jacob thought I was cheating on Matt with Philippe. Twice. One of those times I wasn't even going out with Matt yet. Crazy people.

So Madonna kissed Britany and Christina last night. Lovely! Why is everyone trying to steal the lesbian spotlight from Linda, Mari, and I? Not cool. Silly lesbian wannabe Madonna.

I shouldn't say that. I'm such a lesbian wannabe. I'm sure lesbians everywhere hate me. Please don't hate me. I have nothing but respect for you.

Linda and Mari and I had a sleepover at my house. Yippee! It was very laid back, which is nice. All those sleepovers we would have in middle school were much too stressful. I painted my toe nails bright red with sparkles and we watched lots of silly movies and went online and called Mike names. Actually, Mari called Mike names. Linda and I just watched. Linda got us pretty skirts in the Bahamas! I love mine. I'm wearing it right now...oh la la. I have to get Linda something. She always gets me stuff and I always love it (fun lip stuff, cool skirt) and I don't get her stuff and that's not nice of me. I got Mari a "Girls Kick Ass" magnet 'cause it was very cool and very Mari. I got Philippe a magnet that said something amusing about video games. Trust me, it was funny. So I need to get Linda stuff and Mike a birthday present and actually, Linda and Matt's birthday's are both coming I have lots of shopping to do.

Not to mention I'm leaving for school on...Wednesday? That's crazy. Everyone else is gone, though, so I'm starting to look forward to it more. Something to do other than sit around all day and be mopey 'cause I'm lonely.

So I think it's time for sleeping now. I hate to wake up at like 10 to clean or something. Booo. Good night.

P.S. I'm planning a cool entry as a sort of good luck good bye type of thing for everyone. But not good bye in the final way. Good bye in the good bye for now way. I love you guys! ::weeps like an overweight man in flannel who's had one too many beers::

Like I said. Good night.

P.P.S. I've decided that I don't think that Grace from Will and Grace is very attractive. Although that may just be because Grace annoys the shit out of me. Okay. Time for sleep now. For real. Good night.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

So the thing about Hillary Duff:

First of all, I'm not a big fan. I don't think she can really sing very well. I think it's more of Disney going "You have a popular TV show. How can we capitalize on you even more? Poof! You're a singer!"

But like I was saying, I don't think she can sing very well, but she's okay. She's got a bland pop voice, but whatever. The only huge problem I have is whenever I hear her song, "So Yesterday". It's all very fine and catchy until she gets to the line:

"If the light is off than it isn't on..."


And that's about the point where whoever I'm with turns off the radio before I throw it out the window.

Just thought you'd want to know.

You can tell how fake those Acuvue commercials are by the fact that all the people getting "surprised" in them are wearing the exact same pair of glasses. You'd think they'd have a big enough budget to at LEAST buy more than one set of frames? Even the guy wears the same girly frames as the girls! Silly contacts...

Hey, look, I"m actually going to write something today.

Yesterday was Mike's birthday and much fun was had. Let me tell you just how much I love JPLee's. I love JPLee's A LOT. They scrub the chairs! How can you not like a resturant that ensure your ass's hygenic safety by scrubbing their chairs? Yes, I did just say "hygenic safety".
Anyway, after JPLee's (which I'm very sorry Mari was not able to attend for some silly reason of confusion) we ended up at 7-11. Miles (accidentily) stole a slurpee (ever heard of the Darwin awards?) and I gave Mike money for a Penthouse. Penthouse is a very interesting thing.

Let me explain:
To a girl, porn is usually this very foreign and unusual thing. So when we get the oppurtunity to actually flip through a porno we find it fascinating. Lemme tell you, Penthouse is NASTY. There was a girl who looked like she was sticking something like a flashlight up her vagina. Then there was the cum shot that looked like paste on a leather glove. And the story about the girl and her female psychologist...the girl had a foot fetish...the psychologist didn't mind...there was what I can only describe as..well..toeing. And did I mention the ads? Did you know that there are glass dildos? Glass?! I don't truly understand why they're adverstising dildos in a men's magazine...although the women in the add were sucking on them, not using them in the..usual way..

So anyway, I've been sitting on my couch playing gin on yahoo and watching re-runs of The West Wing since I woke up. How sad is that? At some point I'm supposed to go buy a phone with my mother. I don't really feel like it. I'm kinda blah currently. I'm waiting to get my second wind or whatever you want to call it. I feel kind of strange at social outing type things now. I got really used to Matt being there and having someone to rest my head on or giggle with secretely. Plus with both Matt and Linda gone it feels like a big hole in our group. Although even when Linda gets back it'll still feel like a hole to me. There's weird things that make me sad or lonely. Like driving someplace by myself. I'm not really used to that anymore. Or going home a lot earlier than usual. Or going to bed before 3 in the morning 'cause I don't have anyone to hang out with or talk to. I mean, I've got my friends and I love them..but there's somethings that friends can't be. And that would be my boyfriend. And yes, I can still talk to Matt late at night and stay up late and all that...but I can't get a hug whenever I feel like it...and watching TV all by myself isn't nearly as much fun as watching it with someone else....and whenever the clock is at an 11 I have no one to say it to and...yeah...

So I'm back to feeling like I'm floating again...sort of...33 days until I get to see Matt again...


Saturday, August 23, 2003

Maki - "Truly Rare"

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, August 22, 2003

It was 12:11 when we said goodbye.

It probably doesn't mean anything to you, but it means something to me.

I miss him.

I miss him so much.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

So I haven't updated in a what...

This week is fun but so hard. Matt's leaving tomorrow. Lordy, I can't even explain what I'm going through right now.

Sigh. I'm tired.

The beach was lots of fun. I would LOVE to have a beach house like the one we got to hang out in. It was beautiful and awesome. And the people were really nice. And there was good food. And the beach was pretty and it was a perfect day for the beach. It was just great.

Okay, time for sleeping. Bye.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Molly asked me to post this here so that more people can see it:

"Necessary Targets"
by Eve Ensler (author of "The Vagina Monologues")
directed by Stacey Lawrence and Kena Onyejekwe
August 21, 22 and 23 at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets $12 adults, $10 students and seniors
The Baird Theater, 5 Mead Street, South Orange, NJ.

(CHS actors include Deidre DaSilva, Cotton Dello, Shamira Levy and Molly Gilman)

Yay Molly and eveyrone else in "Necessary Targets"!

Monday, August 11, 2003

So one mention of me and Linda and hot lesbian action and suddenly there's 26 hits on my blog...interesting.....teeheeheeheeheehee.

I saw Kaity today! That was lots and lots of fun. Her hair is pink! We sat in Nathans and talked about lovely girl things while eating french fries and she helped me pick out a fun skirt and we got mad at the sticker machine that didn't work. Boo to the sticker machine.

I also saw Ronnie there. Somebody give me his screen name so I can brighten his day with sunshine and light. Hehe. Ronnie will get that.

I should actually write something good one of these days.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

I'm bored. And trying to get in touch with Kaity to tell her that I can't pick her up to go to the mall yet. But her phone is busy. And she's not online. And eep.

So apparently I'm an uber hot lesbian. But not really. That's just what Philippe has been calling me. Haha.

Don't worry, Matt, I'm not really a lesbian. I lurrrve you!

Must try calling Kaity again. Bye bye.

Friday, August 08, 2003

So I am somehow writing this post from my brand-spankin' new laptop...which is somehow online..and I'm not sure how. See, it's not connected to anything. Very weird. But very cool.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

This day is not getting any better.

1. I fell asleep on my couch last night about five minutes before I was planning on going upstairs and changing into nice comfy sleeping clothes and get in my lovely bed. So instead I spent the night sleeping in uncomfortable jeans and a tee-shirt on my couch which makes me itchy. It's also just slightly embarassing to be sleeping on your couch while your parents are running around trying to get ready for the day. Even more embarassing if you didn't even bother to change into pajamas.

2. My laptop finally came. Or so I thought. What happened was they were supposed to pave my street today so we had to park the cars on the next street over in order to go places. So there were no cars in my driveway. Of course, they decided to pave the street tomorrow making this totally useless now, but the point is that because there were no cars in our driveway, the UPS guy thought we weren't home and was just gonna leave us one of those yellow sticky things saying he'd come back tomorrow. Fortunatly I saw the truck and he gave me three big Gateway packages. I signed for them and was left standing there thinking "How lucky it is I saw the truck, now I get my things today instead of tomorrow." So I open the first box to fine: Keyboard, mouse, mouse pad, surge protector, laptop case, blah blah blah. No laptop. I open the second box. Big awesome flat screen monitor. No laptop. The last box has a big photo of a printer on it. I open it anyway to see if for some reason they put the laptop in there. Big ass printer. No laptop.

They sent me all the components and extras but NO. FUCKING. COMPUTER.

And I warn you not to laugh at me because I WILL injure you.

I checked the order status online. I called Gateway so that I could have an actual person tell me what the fuck was going on. I was treated like a raving idiot so much so that I actually said to the guy, "Could you please stop speaking to me like I'm a moron? I'm pissed off enough already." He gave me the number for UPS.

The laptop's coming tomorrow. When they're supposed to pave my street. So that the UPS guy probably won't come.


3. I went to the adult school to straighten out my paycheck and was told to call Mr. Cohen. After discussion with my mother she told me I should tell him I definitely worked 121 hours because that gives me all the correct hours but still leaves out the 20 minutes a day that he says I wasn't working. Despite the fact that for the first two weeks I was there at 8. In all actuality I should be getting 125 hours. Except that I said 121 and that I thought I had worked more, but I was positive of the 121. So he gave me 121. But I really should get 125. And I hung up the phone feeling more helpless and upset than I had before because I STILL got ripped off and now I really have no way of fixing it.

4. I had to take some medicine that's making my stomach hurt and I have to keep taking it despite that.

This day just keeps sucking.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

I started this blog on August 4, 2002. It's now August 5, 2003. Okay, I'm sorry, I missed my blog's birthday. Or anniversay. Whatever you may call it. I'm sorry blog.
Edit: I was wrong. That was weird. I could have sworn this thing was started on the 4th...anyway, this was actually started on the 7th. Ah well. So I haven't missed it yet! Yay for my blog!

TypicalBrunette (2:26:04 AM): okay, so my blog..
TypicalBrunette (2:26:20 AM): my first real entry is about going to get my senior pic taken
TypicalBrunette (2:26:31 AM): who did i nearly walk in on during their senior pic?
Baerclaw00 (2:26:42 AM): i think shamira
TypicalBrunette (2:26:47 AM): nope
TypicalBrunette (2:26:53 AM): i saw her outside before i went
TypicalBrunette (2:27:06 AM): who was after shamira?
Baerclaw00 (2:27:21 AM): i was
TypicalBrunette (2:27:26 AM): yeah
TypicalBrunette (2:27:40 AM): you would be who i nearly walked in on buddy
Baerclaw00 (2:27:49 AM): hahaha
TypicalBrunette (2:28:10 AM): amazing the things that can happen in a year...
Baerclaw00 (2:28:15 AM): very true

Sunday, August 03, 2003


Yellowshirt program short-changed me by a significant amount of money, I believe. Tomorrow I'm going to go straighten that out, but my advice to anyone who wants to do Yellowshirt in the future: Don't. It's just not worth the hastle.

My computer is not here yet. Boo. I want my computer. But the Gateway people called and said it was being held up and blah blah blah it's not here yet and that sucks.

One more thing: I've decided I really like British TV. I'm not sure why, I just do. Maybe it's the accents.

Let's take bets on how long it takes Robin to update her blog.


I went to Orientation at Ohio. I don't like Ohio. It makes me uncomfortable and it's in the middle of nowhere and I don't want to go to school there. So I'm transferring as soon as I can. We'll see what happens with that.

I went to breakfast with Diane this morning! Yay! That was fun. We got to gossip and say silly things. And she gave me a Shel Silverstein book as a graduation present and I <3 it and she also gave me a fake nametag that says "Hello, my mentel status is..." and I'm gonna put that on my wall in my dorm and it's so great. Yay for Diane, she is the coolest. And not just for giving me cool stuff. Just for being the coolest.

I miss my friends. I've barely seen anyone in awhile. Everyone should come back now and we should all go to the movies and hang out and stuff. Or we should have a movie watching night where we spend the entire night watching movies. Like after prom. That was fun.

I'm just blabbering now. I still have to do my training CD's for Cold Stone even though I don't want to, I still have to go buy college stuff, I still have to do a lot of things. Blah. I want to go have fun now.

Ooh, I haven't checked in awhile...must run...

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