Monday, July 07, 2003

My blog just nearly exploded. I hope splitting up the entry works.

I just got that annoying Brandy song stuck in my head...Have you Ever...must play Rent to get it to go away...

Okay, survey stolen from Linda. And she's so right, I'm the moodiest. How much does that suck?

[.*] BASiCs...
1) Full Name?: Robin Emily do you REALLY think I'm gonna put my last name on the internet?
2) Age?: 18 (crazy age, 18. I can go to jail for life as an adult, but I'm not allowed to drunk. Crazy crazy crazy.)
3) Zodiac sign?:'s probably right.
4) Sex?: Feh-mal-ee....long story...
5) What time is it? 11:22 PM

[.*] LaST PeRSoN wHO...
6) Slept in your bed: Me...or maybe my cat...but she's not a person, is she?
7) Saw you cry: Hmm...can't remember...either Matt or my parents...
8) Made you cry: I don't know if anyone's really made me cry for doing anything......and if they did I'm not writing it here 'cause I don't want them to feel bad....
9) Spent the night at your house: Me and the cat...allll alone. Sigh.
11) You went to the movies with: Mari and Linda. Whee, we had a girls day. Lotsa fun.
12) You went to the mall with: Linda and we saw Mari there. Day of prom to get make up done and look for undies. Hehehe. Undies. Sucha five year old.
14) Sent you an email: Philippe
15) Said they were going to kill you: Dunno...
17) Gotten into a fight with: Probably Philippe. Or Mike. I'm always fighting with one of them. Usually not seriously though. I love those guys, even if I do fight with them. And like I said, usually it's not serious. Or I'm just overreacting. And...yeah, time to shut up.

[.*] HaVe yOu eVeR...
18) Been to New York?: Mmhmm
19) Florida?: Last November
20) California?: Yup. It's really pretty there.
21) Hawaii?: Nope
22) Mexico?: Nope
23) Russia?: Nope
24) Canada?: Yes
25) Danced naked: Probably when I was all alone and had just gotten out of the shower or something.
26) Dreamed about something and then it happened the next day?: Yup. Well maybe not the next day, but it happened soon after.
27) Stalked someone?: Er, I dunno...I hope not....
28) Had a mud bath?: I put mud bath stuff on me when we were in Israel, but I didn't take a mud bath, no.
29) Wished you were the opposite sex?: I think when I was younger for a little while once I figured out where babies came from. It scared me. But now I like being a girl, even with the cramps. :-)
30) Had an imaginary friend?: Yup.
31) What are your nicknames, who gave them to you, and why?: Nobody really uses nicknames for me anymore. There's always "Daria" though. Got that from I don't know where. A lot of people, I think. There's "Odie" which I got from Kaitlyn for my Garfield obsession. I don't know about anything else. I think I used to have more, but they've sorta faded away. That's okay, though.

[.*] EiTHeR / oR...
33) Blue or Pink: Blue most of the time
34) Backstreet Boys or N*SYNC?: N Sync annoy me less and I even like some of their music.
35) Wal-Mart or Target?: Target, definitely target. That is a wonderful store. Hehe.
36) Spring or summer?: Not sure.
37) Santa or Rudolph?: I'm Jewish
38) Math or English?: Usually English. Holy shit I got an A- in English for 4th quarter! That was insanely random......But it brought me up to a B- average for the year, which is soooo great. Anyway. Usually English, unless math is nice and easy like with my drug dealer math teacher. Or whenever Matt taught me math.
39) What are you going to do after you finish this survey?: Not sure. I should get to bed at some point soon. I have work tomorrow and other stuff to do, too.
40) What was the last food you ate?: M&M's...does that count?
41) High school or college?: Dunno yet, only been to high school so far. :-)
42) How many buddies are on?: 17
44) Last movie you saw?: "Bad Boys" with Matt.
45) Last noise you heard?: Music on my computer.

[.*] aBoUT YoUR FRiENDs...
46) Laughs the weirdest?: Sometimes Philippe has a funny laugh, but it's a good makes everyone else laugh, too, laugh.
47) Will grow up to be a model?: Aw, Linda, thanks. I dunno....being a model might be fun...but that's because I have an insane obsession with "America's Next Top Model" for some reason. But all my friends are so pretty!!!! Do I have to chose? Can we all just go be models and have fun and run around going to Paris and taking pictures in funny clothes?
48) Going to have the most kids?: Not a clue.
49) Have you known the longest?: Alice who I haven't talked to in so long.....kinda bothering me...sigh...not going to write anything bitchy...anyway...other than that, I think Molly and Laurel are the people I've known the longest who I'm still friends with.
50) Is the loudest?: We're all loud and all the loudest and different times.
51) Is the quietest?: Anna....sorry Anna, I love ya, but you're quiet a lot.
52) Do you have the most classes with: Don't have classes anymore....I don't know who I had the most classes with, though. Rebecca? might have been Kevin...haha....
53) Do you talk to the most? Matt or Linda or Philippe
54) Is the funniest?: Pretty much all of my friends are insanely funny at different times. They all have their moments. :-)
55) Is the moodiest?: Yeah, Linda's right, me. That's kind of embarassing. I don't want to be moody!! Eep!!!
56) Can you tell most of your secrets to?: Matt and Linda and Philippe and Mari
57) Who can you usually go to about all of your problems?: Matt and Linda and Philippe and Mari and probably some other people, also.
59) Lucky number?: Do I have a lucky number? I dunno....


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