Saturday, June 21, 2003

I have decided right this very moment at 3:04 AM on June 21st, 2003 that I must say this.

Natalie is a very cool person. I am afraid that at times she gets all left-out feeling. But she is tres cool and very very nice and does things to her hair that I would never have the guts to and she still makes it look good. So Natalie, if for some reason you are reading this: You are cool. And have fun hair. And I am SUCH a bigger lesbian than you....

Speaking of lesbians....I went prom dress shopping with Linda today...

Hahaha, no, we're not actually lesbians. But we told Miles and Philippe that when they dropped us off to get my car. Heheheh.

Today was our graduation rehearsal. I think I'm like the thirtieth person to graduate or something, I did the math in my head before. And then I fell asleep. Graduation rehearsal is damn boring. But I'm sure on the actual day of graduation I'll be freaking out and clapping for everyone really loudly and crying and stuff like that.

Tomorrow (or today, whatever) = Matt's graduation party. And first day of summer.

Monday is prom! Whee!

I'm not really speaking coherently..or writing..or...whatever. I'm not drunk, just tired. I think it's time for sleeping. G'night.


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