Thursday, June 19, 2003

Today was just as weird as any other day. I had to take the orchestra final. I walked in late (as usual) all ready for May to make a comment about it. I even had a comeback planned ("Hey, can't break tradition, now can I?") but he didn't seem to notice. I played with my little group (we were okay, I think, I didn't really care at all) and then had to be conducted by the two teachers trying out for next year. One was a man who barely conducted at all. At times I thought he had stopped altogether and I stopped playing for a second only to realize he hadn't stopped but just conducted with really small movements that were hard to see. Then there was a woman who I started off liking because she seemed energetic and actually happy to be there, but then she spent twenty minutes of her thirty minute audition talking about Peter Warlock and how Capriol is really about some lawyer who can't dance. She could conduct well enough, though. I'm pretty sure they'll probably give her the job unless there are other people in line for the job.

This was followed by finding out that I didn't actually have to go to gym like we'd been told, so that was nice. I saw Rebecca and Matt showed up and then Matt and I ran away to my house and watched bad TV until he had to go to his sister's graduation dress rehearsal. Then I ended up at Mike's before the yellow shirt meeting where I said really strange things which I don't remember much about right now. Apparently Mike did an impression of me. That kinda makes me want to cry. Oh well.

The Yellow Shirt people stuck me in the Harry Potter class. Emma and I have no classes or free periods together and Emma figured out that it was probably planned that way, as was our not having any classes or free periods with either of Josh's brothers. They probably remember last year. Haha. Miles refuses to let me forget it. I think there was some sort of bet made on how much of my pay check would get cut this year. Little fucker. Oh yes, at the meeting a brownie exploded on me. It was the strangest thing. And slightly embarrasing. But oh well, not much to do about it.

I have this fear that my prom dress will suddenly not fit anymore. It's scary. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Because I'll cry.

My mother told me that last Sunday when we were at my grandmother's house for Father's Day she could swear she heard my grandfather say "Hello" when we were sitting down for lunch. This caused me to go on a ramble of times where I swear I've seen him or expected to see him. Such as at his own funeral when I stood in the lobby for five minutes waiting for someone even though I couldn't really figure out who I was waiting for. Finally realized I was waiting for my grandfather. I was telling her this and I almost started crying so I changed the subject to the weather or something.

South Orange Starbucks makes crappy frappacinos. Or anything. They're just not so great.


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