Monday, June 16, 2003

I was about to go to sleep, but then for some reason I went and read Jack's blog and I was inspired to write. Weirdness. And I feel I'll write for a few minutes and then go to sleep.

Today...or yesterday rather...was Father's Day. I was gonna get my dad this book, but then I didn't. Instead I made him a CD which he really seemed to like. I put songs I know he likes and that have a meaning for him and me on it and some random songs I thought he'd like. I put Take Me Out to the Ball Game 'cause he used to sing that to me while putting me to bed (actually, it was sort of throwing me into bed...he'd carry me and we'd sing that song and then on "1! (he'd swing me) 2! (another swing) 3! (get swung onto bed) strikes you're out..." and I'd get tossed into bed and I thought it was the most fun thing ever. Could explain my strangeness, though. Haha. Oh yay I get to go to a ball game this summer and get to take Matt with us...whoopee!! I also put Don't Worry, Be Happy which I made my dad play for me ALL THE TIME when I was little and I put Guys and Dolls and Damn Yankees and Aimee Mann andThey Might Be Giants and lotsa other stuff. He liked it. Hooray!!

Today we were riding up the elevator to my grandma's apartment and I looked up at the ceiling which was this gold stuff that sorta acted like a mirror. I always do that in elevators. Look up and secretely watch people. My mom called me weird. I said "I'm eccentric!"
She said, "I'm not old enough to have an eccentric child."
To which I replied, "Hey, you could have an eccentric five year old."
And she answered, "I know, I had one."

Hehehe. I'm eccentric. ::holds up gold star::

So my grandma gave me some jewelry to wear to prom. I dunno which of it I'll wear, but it's all very pretty. I'm afraid that at prom I'll end up looking like a giant pink cupcake girl. That would suck quite a bit.

I have a bio final tomorrow. Have not studied. Going to bed too late. Bad Robin, bad.

I talked to some kid who's going to Ohio online tonight. It was interesting. But creeped me out a little big because he told me it was a party school. And there were like 25 bars near by. I'm not scared of bars, but I don't drink, I don't party. Oh well, I'll find something to do. Maybe school work. That could be good.

As school is ending I find that I will miss the most random people. Like I will miss Randy a lot, even though I barely ever speak to him, but I like seeing him on the announcements all the time because he does such a good job. I hope he gets to be a news anchor someday and I can watch him on TV and go "Ah, Randy, I knew him way back when. We had Spanish together. He was great on Studio Soap."

I will also miss Studio Soap. Jeremiah's alive! Holy crap! That was awesome. Even though he was in my English class and had been there everyday since he got pushed down the stairs...hmm...intruiging...

I'm sleepy now. Time for bed. I wrote some more to this, but it got all weird and nostalgic like and I think I'll save that for later. G'night everyone.


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