Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Updating's good.

To Beth: Haha, I read your blog sometimes, too. Thank you for the comment, how very thoughtful. I don't get comments 'cause my friends all suck...not really...okay, maybe a little....(j/k guys) hehe. But thanks! PS. Chicken Pox suck. Get better soon.

So on Saturday I was watching Remember the Titans with Matt. If you haven't seen it, I'm about to spoil part of it for you. Not that you probably care too much. I hope. So there's this one guy and his friend calls him Superman as a nickname. Then this guy gets in a car accident and is paralyzed from the waist down. In the hospital, the guy's friend says to him, "You can't be hurt, you're Superman."
Keep in mind Christopher Reeve...now does this seem kinda wrong to anyone else? And it was a Disney movie!!

But then again, in Aladdin if you listen closely there's a part where Aladdin says "Take off your clothes". And there's that part with the boner in The Little Mermaid...so basically, Disney people are perverts. Which makes it all the more enjoyable.

I decided I hate all my classes except for biology and sociology. Speaking of biology, there were rabbits in class today. They kept humping each other. It was HILARIOUS. Actually, it was just one rabbit trying to hump the other one (except for one time when one rabbit tried to jump over the other ones head and got stuck...that was confusing) and the other one giving the rabbit version of "Not tonight, honey, I have a headache" by trying to stay in a corner where the first rabbit couldn't get to it as easily. But the big horny rabbit still got some action anyway. And it was very very funny. Although somewhat distracting during a vocab quiz.

I'm probably going to be exempt from my math final. So happy. I wish I could be exempt from English, too, but that would mean I would have had to actually do work this year...which I didn't...so oh well.

On Sunday I "auditioned" for a job at Cold Stone Creamery. We had to sing a song from their song book (I sang their version of "I'm a little tea pot") and then do a little dance move (don't know why). I did the sprinkler. I can't explain it, you'd have to see it. Hopefully I'll get the job, since it seems like a cool job. And free ice cream is good. Although I'll definitely have to limit myself.

Apparently it's getting around how Sam asked me if I was gaining weight, because I've had people randomly coming up to me for about a week going "Did Sam say you were gaining weight?!? WHAT?!?!". Hehe.

And come on, if you were sitting around eating your lunch and someone said "Ugh, it smells like fish!" you'd laugh, too. Okay, maybe you wouldn't. But if it was Miles you would. 'Cause Miles talks funny sometimes. And then if he said "Tasty Nougat", you'd be on the floor and you KNOW it. Philippe laughed, too. I swear.

Time for bed.


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