Thursday, May 15, 2003

I was going to update yesterday, but then my dog ate my computer.

No. Really.

Weird things are happening in the life of Robin. Like how I got 100 on my Bio test...and didn't was Kevin's response to this:

Kevin: So what'd you get?
Robin: 100
Kevin: You?!?
Robin: Yeah
Kevin: No way...
Robin: Yes way...
Kevin: Did you cheat?!
Robin: No
Kevin:......................Fuckin' A!!!


Also I talked to someone I haven't talked to in months. Feel sorta better about that situation now.

AND last night I VOLUNTARILY saw The Matrix: Reloaded. And really really liked it. And spent quite a bit of time in study arguing with Philippe over it. And then sat around Matt's kitchen for 15 minutes eating goldfish and debating it.....sucha freak...

Plus, Linda is the coolest 'cause she was totally and completely mature about this dumb thing that happened in lunch involving someone not as completely mature. So Linda is tres cool. Hooray!

I told Imhoff about how we usually sing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" at the last concert of the year (I would have told him sooner, but I only remembered about it today) and he went about making lame excuses about why he thought we couldn't sing it, which truly annoyed me. 1. Everyone knows the song, except maybe the freshman. 2. It's an extremely simple song, and very pretty. 3. It's very short. 4. It's a TRADITION. We do it every year. 5. It sort of seemed to me as though he was just being lazy about it, especially after Philippe and I explained that it was so simple and everyone already knows it and we do it every year. He'd really have to put maybe ten minutes of practice into it. Or just have the seniors do it, we've been singing it for years. Really, he'd have to do almost no work...sigh....

So if you're a senior...or a non-senior...but especially seniors in chamber choir, or even out of chamber choir, please go ask Imhoff about "The Lord Bless You and Keep You". And tell him how simple it will be and how it's a tradition. And then maybe he'll let us do it.

In other news: Who wants to have a Disney movie marathon over memorial day weekend?

I wanna go see the Matrix again...or maybe I should see the first one...whatever....


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