Thursday, December 05, 2002


So I woke up late this morning. Well, not really. Later than I wanted to. I have to set both of the alarms on my alarm clock because I usually turn the first one off in my sleep, or wake up, turn it off, and decide that sleeping more would be so much better than actually getting out of my nice warm bed and going to dumb old school. So I woke up around 7:15 this morning and looked out my window to see...absolutely no snow. My response to this "What bullshit is this?! Four inches of snow my ass!"...of course, this was all kinda mumbly 'cause my mouth didn't want to wake up yet and wasn't working so well. About five seconds later, my mom comes storming into my room saying it was snowing pretty hard out and she was going to drive me to school (insert grumble from me here). The only good part of that was I got to sleep later since I wouldn't have to drive my dad to the train.

Anyway. I finally got downstairs to eat breakfast at about 7:40 and...hey, look. Snow! Lots of snow! It took twenty minutes to get to school instead of the usual 5-10 since we had to go 5 miles an hour down Valley. I guess it was good that I didn't get to drive to school, I probably would have died.

Got there late, but for once Mr. May didn't care. Phew. Played my violin, blah blah blah all that boring stuff. Got to chorus where half the people were missing and was told that musical auditions were cancelled for today and that we'd still get to audition if we couldn't go tomorrow. Also phew. We weren't in chorus for five minutes before Mrs. Pollack got on the loud speaker and said, "Good morning everyone. I need everyone's attention. I'll give teachers a minute to get their students to quiet down." or something like that. So everyone automatically started talking more about how they were cancelling school and everyone started crossing their fingers and staring up at the loud speaker waiting for her to start talking again. The announcement went something like this, "Alright, when I ring the bell....(extremely long pause)....all after school and evening activities are cancelled....(extremely long pause with a big groan from every kid in the school 'cause we thought that was the end of the announcement)...but when I ring the bell, students will go to their lockers for five minutes....(extremely long pause, everyone starts to get twitchy)....and then will proceed...(pause)...directly home. (the entire student body screams and applauds so loudly that I'm sure you could hear us in Millburn)."

So I called my mom to tell her school was cancelled and ask for a ride home and she responded with, "Oh Jesus, I just got home! (it was around 9:00 by then, she had dropped me off at 8:15)". On the way to get me, a guy in a pick-up truck apparently backed into her. Eek. She's okay, and this car didn't get smushed (thank goodness, one smushed car this year was more than enough). All that happened was the license plate got dented and my mom was extra pissed off when she picked me up and gave Emily K a ride home. She honked at some kids jay walking on Kensington and they laughed at her. Stupid kids. And now I feel like calling Matt and/or Philippe 'cause they'd both crack up at the thought of my other car getting smushed, but I think they're probably both in the same place anyway and I can't decide which one to call which means I'll probably end up being too lazy to call either of them and they'll just read it here no matter what I do.

AND I'm probably not leaving for DC until tomorrow morning because of the snow. Joy. Know what this means? Four day weekend for Robin! Yay!!!


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