Saturday, November 30, 2002

Well this was a fun day.

Work There was a guy there who graduated from CHS the same year I got there. I guess he's back on break or something, sometimes college kids come back to work while they're on break. He was a cool guy, he asked me how bad CHS had gotten and I responded with, "We got a new principal. Again." and he laughed. At some point Matt called to tell me he got into college and I got all excited for him and scared my coworkers.

I realized that I'll probably miss my job once I don't have it anymore, but I think it's probably better this way. I can actually have a life now and I'll be able to see my grandfather more and sleep more and it should be good. I hope.

Came home and I already posted this stuff, so I'll skip it.

Then Diane and Philippe came over to watch Forum and much chaos ensued...okay, the chaos didn't actually ensue until later. We watched Forum and ate pizza, then watched bits of Funny Girl and made fun of everything we could think of. Molly finally called after we had finished that and she came over. We then started watching A Very Muppet Christmas. This started much insane conversation. We went from talking about whether or not Kermit has feet to talking about Sesame Street. Here's the funniest bit of conversation:

Diane: Sesame Street's too politically correct now. Bert and Ernie don't even live in the same house anymore.
Robin, Philippe, and Molly: :::gasp::: They don't?!??! Noo!!!
(My mom walks out of the kitchen where she was making latkes)
Robin: Mom! Bert and Ernie don't live in the same house anymore!
Mom: They don't?!??! Oh no!!
(My dad walks downstairs to see what the fuss is about)
Robin: Dad! Bert and Ernie don't live in the same house anymore!
Dad: They don't?! You mean they broke up?!
(Molly, Diane, Philippe, Mom, and I all crack up)

At one point Philippe made some kind of remark about my social life, to which I responded by throwing a pillow off the couch in his face. This began what I'll call the great pillow war. Girls against boy. We kicked his ass, don't care what he says. Eventually, Diane had to leave which was sad. So Molly, Philippe and I sat around for awhile watching Cosby on Nick at Nite and then decided to play scrabble for some reason. I was pretty bad at it and gave up. Molly kicked our collective asses (seriously, after I quit she gave Philippe my points and she was STILL in the lead). At around 11:30 I realized we still hadn't lit Hannukah candles, so my parents came downstairs and we lit the candles on my really pretty Menorah that looks like the wailing wall in Jerusalem. I got it for my Bat Mitzvah. Mom went a little hebrew school teacher-y on Philippe and started explaining what the prayers meant. He didn't seem to mind too much, though. Then it was time for Philippe to leave, which left Molly and I watching some weird Cirque de Soleil thing. My parents came downstairs and gave me my Hannukah present (a Kermit doll! It was very exciting, he talks and everything...I'm such a little kid). Molly left and here I am. It was lots and lots of fun and I wish I had a really big house so I could have all my friends over all the time.

And tomorrow is a VERY busy day. ::sigh::


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