Thursday, November 28, 2002

This is the longest I've been home since I left the house this morning for school. So sleepy...but I'll write anyway.

First: School

Got to chorus, left to sign up for musical auditions in stupid Mr. Healy's office (I have to audition on Tuesday...fuck), and get my green slip. Chorus was basically...nothing. The most interesting thing was that Mike, Philippe and I were all wearing jeans and green sweaters/sweatshirts and I was the only one embarassed by this.

Ooh! Seniors get out of all studies now! Yes! Well, seniors who aren't getting suspended or have bad grades or anything...and somehow, that means I get out of study. Sooo glad. I don't know how much more Ms. Y'ikona I could take. She has an apostrophe in the middle of her just makes me uncomfortable. And she has a color coded book for signing out to go to teachers of the library or even the just makes no sense.

Right. Then there was study where I sat and wrote goofy notes to Philippe and looking at the school newspaper while flicking all the names and pictures of people who I don't like (c'mon, I'm allowed to be openly bitchy sometimes, okay?) when I really should have been doing my English homework. Eh.

Math was next with Mr. Klemer. Since about five people were absent, Mr. Klemer decided there was no point in actually doing anything all class period, so we sat and talked about Thanksgiving food. Then he started talking about hunting and all the weird things he eats. A direct quote from Mr. Klemer himself:

"Squirrel's good eatin'"

Enter whatever sarcastic remark you can think of here.

Then English where we wrote little responses on what we were thankful for and then watched The Grapes of Wrath. The movie takes nearly as long as the book, I swear. And do people know that Mrs. Petrallia has a tattoo? 'Cause Anna and I were talking about this yesterday and it's just very very strange.

That was the boring part of my day. After school Anna, Philippe, Mike, Jen, two of Jen's friends, Toby who I hadn't really talked to before today, and I all went to JP Lee's. The Josh who still lives in Jersey was supposed to come with us, but didn't for some reason, and Kaity was supposed to go, too, but we couldn't find her! Kaity, I'm sorry! Please don't hate me forever and ever, pleeeeaaaasssee, I will make it up to you. Oh yes, and the Josh who doesn't live in Jersey anymore (sooo confusing, too many Josh's) but is home for Thanksgiving was supposed to come meet us there, but he was asleep. Dumb college boys and their oversleeping.

JP Lee's was fun, we saw Stephane and Linda and Ed there. Mike and Philippe and I ended up sitting with Linda and Stephane for awhile, leaving Anna and Toby with Ed who was playing weird number games with forks. He would rearrange the forks and they were supposedly a number that we were supposed to guess. Actually, it was just that he had a certain number of fingers held up near the forks and that was the number we were supposed to guess and we were just too distracted by the forks to notice. When I found this out I showed him a certain finger of my own.

We were having so much fun at JP Lee's that a bunch of us decided to go to Mike's house. A bunch of us being Mike (of course), Linda, Philippe, Stephane, and I. Or me? Or...fucking grammer, who gives a shit. So we watched Stephane play video games for awhile and then watched Mallrats, except I had to leave for work before it was over. Damn.

I QUIT MY JOB!!!!! YES!!!! I'm working through Nutcracker, but that's really not that much, I'll be done by the end of December. I'm ending on good terms, which means if I want to come back to work someday it probably won't be so hard. It's nice to know I could get a job if I really needed to.

Worked. Got fed up with the Annie stage mothers, they're completely obnoxious and think that they own the lobby. So untrue. Concessions owns the lobby, they have their own little room, now get the hell out.

Got home and went online where I was ambushed by the Josh that no longer lives in Jersey (too many Josh's! Ahh!) to go to Taco Bell with him and Jason. So I was gone again about ten minutes after I got home. I was picked up first and Jason was very surprised to see me when we picked him up as he didn't seem to know that Josh and I even knew each other, let alone are friends. Went to Taco Bell, then drove around for awhile, dropped Jason off (ha! for once I wasn't the first person dropped off! Finally, someone with an earlier curfew than me.), went to 7-11 and the reservation for lack of anything better to do. The reservation is scary and cold, but you can see the stars really well and New York and it's very pretty. Except I was freezing, but whatever. And I thought Orion was one of the dippers....oops. I'm not so good with the science. I like looking at stars, but I'm always a little frightened at first. When I was little I was scared to look up at the stars, I thought something would come and get me, like aliens or something (shut up, I was really little). Plus I was still in New York, and if you look up in New York at night all you see are big scary buildings. I guess I just never completely got used to big open sky. But stars are pretty anyway. And there were deer. And some people in a car nearby with very foggy what could they be up to?

Then it was time to go home. Got to my house a few minutes early so we sat in the car until 1:01 AM, just so I could be rebellious by being one minute late. Go me. And then I came up here to the computer. Tada.

Molly's home, too!! I need to see her sometime soon, maybe I'll see her tomorrow depending on what she's doing. I'll call and bug her when I get home. I miss Molly.

And everyone's asleep. You people stink.

And Matt gave me a shout out in his blog. I feel special. :-)

Time for sleep...or not, but time for not having to spell things properly anymore. Night night everyone.


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