Wednesday, December 04, 2002

Got yelled at a whole bunch in Orchestra today. Well, not me personally, but May just flipped out on everyone because no one can play a G#, which is extremely sad. The highlight of orchestra was that we actually had heat today.

I fell asleep in math. Oops. It's not like we were actually doing anything, just taking that dumb survey. And I sit way in back next to the radiator so I was all warm and sleepy and it couldn't be helped, I swear. Fortunetely I didn't get caught. I wasn't so much asleep as I just kept drifting off while writing. So I got home today and fell asleep again which was good, because I realized the reason I keep falling asleep in class is not just because it's boring, but because I've had about ten hours of sleep total for the entire week. Not good.

You know what's a funny phrase? "It's cold as hell out." From what I've been told, hell is not at all cold, but actually very very hot.

And now I just got really pissed off over musical things. Fuck fuck fuck.


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