Monday, December 02, 2002

How can I still be a grown up when such horrible rumors are being spread about me?

There's some dumb rumor about me and Philippe going around which is so untrue that it's actually kinda funny. But I'm still pissed as all hell at the person who started it. And really hurt. More hurt than pissed at this point. And trying to figure out what to do and I just can't figure it out. I'm trying to be adult and mature, but then I totally flipped out when taking Parnassian pictures after school. I'm trying to just ignore it, but it's not that easy. The thought that anyone would ever believe I'd do a thing like that...



Other than that, my day was okay. I kept falling asleep in Bio and Psych. Not good. In ping pong we got bored and started just trying to hit the ping pong ball across the room and playing basketball with it. Math was stupid and there was a fire alarm that everyone thought was a bomb scare during 9th. After school we had to take a photo of Parnassian for I don't even know what. The school paper? I dunno. Anyway, Brent came up to me talking about the stupid rumor and I flipped out and screamed and it wasn't pretty. Oops.

After that I went to the mall with Matt to buy each others Hannukah presents (that sentence is probably soooo grammatically incorrect but I don't care!). We both had to do it, so he suggested we do it at the same time. Of course, they didn't have what he was going to get me...oh well. So we just hung around for awhile and went to Burger King to get cheap food and that was fun and made me forget about the stupidity that's going on elsewhere in my life.

And I get to see Scary College Lady twice this week! Joy of joys! :::big fake smile:::

Meanwhile, for a Jewish person, it's amazing how much I like Christmas music. It's pretty weird, actually.


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