Sunday, September 08, 2002

Family's coming in an hour, minus my little cousin. Not exactly heartbroken over that as he always tries to get me to play really boring computer games with him, and no matter how much I love him I just can not take playing anymore digimon games online. I should be cleaning, but I've become very skilled at getting out of most of the work for these family functions. Mostly by doing a shitty job in past years so that now my parents don't even bother asking me anymore. It's fun.

I'm lonely. But I'm not too upset about it, which is weird. I think I've just accepted the whole loneliness as the beginning of new things in my life and soon I'll meet new people and make new friends and got involved in new things and hopefully I won't be lonely anymore. The theme for this year is "new", as corny as that sounds.

Hehe, I tried to make my hair wavy last night. Bit of a disaster actually as it now looks like an animal tried to nest in my hair, but I think I've got it under control.

And what's with me not being able to spell today? Before I wrote "hartbroken" and I just tried to write "under control" as one word. Crazy Robin.

Meanwhile, I really like Coldplay's new CD. Everyone go buy it now.

Oh yes, and I think I saw the annoying girl who covered her backpack in name tags from Yellow Shirt at temple yesterday. Horror of horrors. Fortunetely, she was leaving when I was getting there and probably didn't see me or recognize me.


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