Saturday, September 07, 2002

Happy Rosh Hashanah. Or L'Shana Tova. Whatever. I'm so Jewish.

My grandfather ended up having to go to the hospital today because he had a really bad night. He's okay, but everyone's really stressed out. My father kept yelling at me and my mother for things that couldn't possibly be our faults until I told him I was done talking to him until he calmed down. That worked and he stopped and apologized. I know he's stressed, but we all are, and that's not an excuse to start screaming at people for no reason.

My AOL broke. Stupid piece of shit. Funny how when I was in middle school I was dying to have it and now I hate it. I should just convince my parents to get rid of it, they barely use it anyway. Now I've lost all the e-mail's that I've gotten since January and every link I've had saved since then. Grr.

I'm really bored and I can't go out and do anything because it's a holiday. That makes absolutely no sense, holidays are supposed to be fun. And next week is Yom Kippur, which I'm really dreading. Who's bright idea was it to fast and then have to sit around temple all day where there's no distractions other than the actual service? No one pays attention to the service, and all you can think about is how hungry you are. I don't understand people. I was thinking of seeing if I could join the choir, only so I would have something to do besides stare at my feet for the whole service. Then I decided that would be a bad idea because there's this really scary opera singer like woman in the choir who's voice drives me insane and it's all adults anyway.

I was sitting in temple today and they were reading about Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac and I thought how strange the world is. A whole huge religion started by a guy who heard voices telling him to go on some crazy diet and kill his son. Then I felt kind of bad for thinking that way in temple. But I couldn't help it. It just sounds so insane when you think about it that way.

Now I remember what I was originally going to write about before going off on some tangent, as usual. I got my HSPA scores today. 250 English and 256 Math which made me stare at the paper and say "What the hell? How did that happen?" a lot. I never do better in math. That's my worst subject (besides chemistry, but that's mostly math, too). I'm happy with my scores, even if they don't really mean anything except that I can graduate. Now I just have to worry about taking the SAT's again. Ugh, have to remember to register for that tomorrow.

Gotta go try and fix AOL now. Great way to spend a Saturday night. :-\


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