Friday, October 21, 2005

I'm an extraordinary machine...

Oops...did I forget to mention that I'm back? (Thanks Ender for reminding me about this blog thingermawhatsit)

Sorry. It's been a busy week. I got back Monday and was totally exhausted, barely got to say hi to my parents and eat dinner before falling asleep.

So yes, what else is up.... well I'm trying to figure out what I should do about Halloween. I'm scheduled to work the morning, which, yay, actually getting to work on Halloween (amazing that I actually WANT to work on Halloween), but that means I'm not sure I'll want to come back at night to help give out candy and if I don't come back, well..what's the point in a costume?

So if anyone has any ideas....and don't you dare say "Sexy Nurse"....there will be children around! I was thinking of going with a female Robin from Batman and Robin. But that's just asking for all the cheesy jokes I get on a usual basis anyway.

And just so you know, when I'm going away and will be flying on a plane I usually leave a goodbye note saying love you 'cause...planes scare me and I fear something bad will happen.

Lalala. And yes I actually do say "Lalala" in real life. Jake was shocked to find that one out, hehe.

Visiting Josh was lots o fun. Like a barrel o monkeys...or a cup o noodles...okay now I'm just being weird. P.S. Did anyone have that "barrel o monkeys" game when they were little? I don't remember exactly what the point of it was, but I remember a yellow barrel shaped container and a bunch of red plastic monkeys that you had to hook together I think....

Anyway. We almost went to see Lisa Loeb, but didn't. And then we almost made cookies, but then didn't. But there was a quiz. And don't even think I'm joking. Oh, but aren't we kinky? Anyway, Josh = way neat. In the nifty way, not the clean way...though he is quite clean, as well. So he's neat in all senses of the word.

Also, he made me eat my vegetables. Seriously. 'Cause I eat too much crap and apperently peas are good for you.

And he did nice things for me, but I'm not supposed to mention them so that he can keep up his "I'm not ACTUALLY that nice" rep at his house. But he totally is. ;-P And his roommates are REALLY quite amusing. There were more than a few my-cheeks-hurt-and-I-can't-breathe laughter moments. And I can say that since they don't read this and it won't go to their heads ;-). (Ack, too many smileys!!!)

Oh, and I have a story about getting my iPod replaced, but I'll save that for another entry 'cause this one's getting a bit lengthy. And we all know that if it's long, no one's gonna read it. Oh short attention spans, how...short you are.

I'll be wittier when I'm less sleepy, I promise.


Blogger Linda said...

my parents gave me a barrel of monkeys for my birthday. this year. along with a bunch of other silly little gifts. including one of those little containers of goop that makes farting sounds when you push it into the container. that was fun at dinner.

Sun Oct 23, 08:04:00 PM  
Blogger Miles said...

the game was, you get a barrelful of plastic monkeys that you have to take turns hanging on a tree. only eventually all the branches are taken and you have to start hanging the monkeys from the toes of the other monkeys. and then you have to hang monkeys from THOSE monkey's toes, etc. whoever makes any monkeys fall off first loses. that's how you play, unless i just had a really vivid dream about playing barrel of monkeys and it subscribed to those rules in the dream. either way.

Tue Oct 25, 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Np, what did you end up doing for halloween? The "sexy nurse" sounded fun lol.

Thu Nov 03, 09:56:00 PM  

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