Friday, August 12, 2005


I was not google baiting with my post about the pregnant ladies. I thought it was gross/interesting, I wrote about it, I work in a video store, there's gonna be some mention of creepy porn, that doesn't mean I'm trying to get readers. Why would I want to get people searching for porn to read my blog? That's quite alright, really.

I have grout all over my finger nails. Grar. I tried making a mosaic "votive", which is just a fancy word for candle holder. It was going okay till I got to the grout part. It looks like shit now, the grout was all lumpy already, and I ignored the instructions to use gloves and now have grout stuck in my finger nails like you wouldn't believe. Ho hum. That's what you get for not following directions, I suppose.

I had a rather dramatic evening, it was actually rather amusing, but I don't feel like writing about it since it makes certain members of my family look foolish. So I'll just hush up about it for now.

Damnit, I'd just gotten my fingernails to look somewhat pretty. Now I kinda look like I have a construction workers hands. Heh. Neat.


Blogger David said...

I'll think about it.

Sat Aug 13, 12:25:00 AM  

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