Friday, August 05, 2005

Just shut up.

Robin is having an emo kinda night.

Though emo kinda bugs the hell out of me. I could go more into it, but I have friends who like emo and I don't want to insult them.

And I'm way sleepy and can't sleep 'cause my brain won't SHUT UP.

I have to visit my Grandma at the nursing home tomorrow and I don't want to because it freaks me out and you can't actually hold a conversation with my grandmother anymore. Not that you could have when she lived at home, but at least then there were things around to distract her (and me). I hope to make millions of dollars so no one else in my family has to go and live in a shit place like that. It'd be nice if I could do that now so we could have my grandmother live someplace nice with an aide and she could be happy.

Although that's rather unlikely as I'm qualified for nothing and have no money because I suck.

Told you I was emo.

My cat is ridiculously needy. It's both cute and worrisome because she just stands there meowing at me sometimes and I have no idea what to do about it other then pet her until my hand falls asleep. Poor kitty did not like being left alone while we were all away, it seems. Plus there was the mouse thing. Or a vole. Not sure exactly which it was. Either way, when she starts meowing I start fearing she's actually trying to tell me about some rodent hidden in my room that she's trying to find.


Blogger Miles said...

You don't suck, emo does.

Fri Aug 05, 11:58:00 AM  
Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

what the hell is a vole?

Sat Aug 06, 02:21:00 PM  
Blogger David said...

Judging from context I'd say it's some kind of rodent. Actually that's definitely what it is.

Sat Aug 13, 10:56:00 AM  

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