Friday, July 29, 2005

I'll stick with Jersey, thanks...

It's been how long since I wrote in my blog?

I've actually started writing this entry at least twice..maybe three times..if only because three is a better sounding number in this situation.

Anyway, I put far too much pressure on myself with this 1000th entry thing and was putting off writing until I could write something really good. Which is most definitely never going to happen. So I might as well just update as usual and go, hey...1000 entries....neat.

LA was interesting. I did a lot of workshops, which is going and doing cold readings for a casting's supposed to be a learning experience, but people really go in hopes of later getting auditions from these people, which I guess happens quite a bit since so many people were there. The workshops were fun if only for the chance to act out scenes and watch some really funny stuff going on. I had one really kind of awful partner, total weirdo. She wouldn't stop staring at me and when the scene ended and she was supposed to leave the stage she just kinda stood there with this goofy smile staring at me. When I tried to nudge her off a little she just nudged me right back....yeesh. That was my first workshop and I spent the rest of the two hours feeling rather craptastic. Got over it pretty quickly though, which is good. Hopefully that gives me kind of an idea of how hard it will be for me to get over bad auditions?

I also went to Disneyland!!! Highly exciting. Went on a few rides including Pirates of the Carribean (MUST WATCH MOVIE AGAIN) and the teacups....I don't care if it's a baby ride, they're awesome and I love them. However, it ended badly since I got rather cranky at the fact that we weren't leaving when I wanted to because I had stuff that I really really needed to get done by a certain time. My crankiness got my mom insane and my dad just kind of was oblivious (they came to visit for the weekend, most of the time it was just me and my grandmother who I was staying with). Now that I think about it, I'm kinda wondering if that wasn't on purpose. Maybe he's just tricking us into thinking he's a space cadet when really he just doesn't want to deal with us and pretends he doesn't know what's going on...hmm...

Took a Warner Bros. tour. That was cool. I was actually less interested in the sets of TV shows and more interested in spotting TV stars parking spaces. They weren't pointed out on the tour, but all the parking spots had first initials and last names on them and if you were quick you could figure out who parked where. Luke, btw, parks next to Paris.

LA itself is not really my favorite place in the world, I think. Too many billboards and everything kind of looks rundown. Plus I kinda feel like palm trees really just belong on the beach and not lining every street. It was a bit more interesting at night when there were some sparkly lighted signs but other than that I wasn't all that impressed. Could have just been the area I was in, I don't know. Plus it's weird in the way that every little section has it's own name, like there are a million different little cities. Some of the names were cool, though. My favorite was Tarzana.

I'll end this here for now. I have another entry coming up about my grandmother. It was going to be all one entry but it was disgustingly long so....stay tuned for a lovely entry of me bitching! Yay!


Blogger Linda said...

the teacups are NOT a baby ride

Fri Jul 29, 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

i like your bitching

Mon Aug 01, 04:15:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

i like your bitching

Mon Aug 01, 04:15:00 PM  

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