Sunday, August 07, 2005

Pictures of you...

Keep in mind that it's 5:50 AM and I've been up all night feeling sick.

So...I check Post Secret every Sunday. I'm addicted and always wish there were more postcards to read.

Anyway, I was looking...and there is one postcard...I'm not gonna say which one right here...but there's a picture of someone on it..a girl...the picture's kinda distorted...but when I saw it I really thought for a second that it was me. I am almost completely positive it's not, but it's just weird. Because I really think she looks like me. It might just be me, I dunno, whatever. Has that ever happened to you before? You see a random picture or even just a person walking down the street and you think it's you? I swear that's happened to me, there was a girl in middle school who really looked like me for some reason and she turned around real quick once and I thought it was me. I'm a freak.

The girl in the picture, like I said, is kind of distorted. And it's not just a picture of her, she's doing stuff and has a certain expression on her face which makes me think she looks like me. I kinda doubt anyone would be able to figure out which one I'm talking about except me. Or maybe my mom. Because mom's have magic powers like that. Whatever.


Blogger David said...

Yeah... I look like two different actors. People have even said so.

Sun Aug 07, 08:29:00 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

um, yes. philippe told me about a girl in his show that looked like me, and then he sent me a picture and i physically jumped the moment i saw it when it was just reaction and thought hadn't yet taken over because i thought it was me and i didn't remember ever being there.

Tue Aug 09, 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, my favourite was when my highschool history/world religions/psych teacher told me he went to Michigan for a friends party and there was a woman there who looked EXACTLY like me, except she was 10 years older and was in really freaked him out...which amuses me, cause it was my teacher. I miss that man.

Im addicted to post secret too...Im gonna try to find which one you mean...cause you know. Ive seen like a million pictures of you...:P :)

Wed Aug 10, 07:20:00 AM  

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