Sunday, April 10, 2005


So here's something weird. My whole life everyone's always been "You look just like you're father, you look just like your father," ladida. It kinda annoyed me sometimes 'cause I wanted to look like a girl, not a boy.

And then I was at my Grandma's house today (the one that's about to not be her house anymore) and I found this old picture of my Grandma when she was age, maybe younger even... this is my mom's mother I'm talking about here...and I can definitely see my mom in there. But also I can sorta see myself, I just don't know exactly what it is, but I recognize both of us in there in my grandma's face. It's so weird. Plus there are pictures of my Grandmother where she looks just like my aunt....damn, that woman's got strong genes, huh? Heh.

Anyway, I think it's kinda cool. That's all.


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