Friday, March 04, 2005

Gotta go ahhh

I got paaaaaiiiiddd. Yes!!

Seriously, I've had about..I dunno...4 bucks for most of the week? If not all week....I think all week. I'm so glad I can actually afford gas this week and to buy some lunch at school if I want. I love having a job, hehe.

And my job is pretty awesome. I spent five hours tonight basically hanging out with Kaity and Clay and I GET PAID FOR IT!!

Also, I yelled at a bunch of 16 year old girls tonight. Here's what happened:

Teenage girl at counter to other teenage girl at counter: "Hey, put that down, that's candy, you're on a diet."
Robin: "What?! You do NOT need to be on a diet. Seriously. Eat the candy, none of you need to be dieting. How old are you?!"
Girl: "16, how old are you?"
Robin: "20"
Girl: "Wow, you look young."
Robin: "Yeah, well, whatever, you don't need to be dieting. Eat crap while you have a fast matabolism, wait until you're older and fat to worry about dieting!!"

So they left and were kinda laughing about it and kinda like "Eek...girl is yelling at us!". But then one of them told me I look like Mischa Barton, so I guess yelling at them to not diet was actually a decent idea? Hehe. Unless she doesn't like Mischa Barton, and then, well..screw her! Just kidding.

Maybe I shouldn't yell at people to stop dieting when I'm a bean pole? But I mean....I can't help it...and I don't think teenagers who are absolutely not overweight should think they have to diet. Bah to that.

And I just realized right about now that I told them I was 20 when I won't actually be 20 until the end of the month. And I didn't even realize I'm not actually 20 until just now. Oops. Weird.

Off I go. Byeeee.


Blogger David said...

I disagree, just because candy will not necessarily make kids fat, that doesn't mean they should eat it. It also rots their teeth and the spoils their appetite for more nutritious foods that kids need to grow properly and achieve optimum physical and mental health.

My little brother for instance has always been rail thin, but when he was younger he used to be much more prone to illness and injury from (sports related) exertion than he is now. I am certain part of it is because he eats healthy foods that strengthen his immune system and skeletal-muscular tissues.

Besides, kids should learn good eating habits while they are still easy to learn. Adults are masters of excuse-making and sticking in their ways. They can "worry" about dieting, but all that really means is that they'll get fat and, in most cases, stay fat and at heightened risk for all sorts of health problems.

Sat Mar 05, 11:51:00 AM  
Blogger Joseph Gomez said...


my birthday is the 26th of this month....

i too will be 20....


i just thought that i needed that last ellipsis.

Mon Mar 07, 11:17:00 PM  

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