Thursday, February 24, 2005

Puppies cure a bad day...

So I get this comment saying I don't update or something.

I'm in an awful sort of mood. So now you're stuck with an update of cranky sensitiveness. I'm PMSing like a mad woman. It's ridiculous. And I did not have a good day.

I woke up with this pain in my shoulder/neck. Yummy. So I had a little trouble getting out of the house on time.

I get to school, drive around looking for parking for about ten minutes. I'm running a little late and I think, "Well, lots of people are late to this class and he never really seems to mind, so it's okay." I wasn't like slacking, but I wasn't freaking out that I would be late since lots of people are late.

I walk in to the teacher saying sternly to me in front of the whole class, "You're always late and you always miss the directions."

EXCUSE me?! There are at least three other people who have come in late at least as often, if not more often than me, who also come in way way later. On top of that, I never really disrupt class when I come in late, I'll even sometimes sit on the floor (we have class in a TV studio so we have to go find our own chairs from the back and there's no desks or anything) just so I don't cause disruption trying to find a chair. And I'm pretty much almost always prepared, as opposed to a few of the kids who had like...nothing. So. Shut up. And don't give me crap in front of the whole class, a few of whom didn't even bother to show up today. Thank you very much.

So, right. What else? People stole a few of the CD's I wanted to play on the radio. As well as the fact that the radio station is spending a ridiculous amount of money for an event that no one is going to go to. Money we could maybe better use to get new equipment (our stuff is ancient) or CD's or figure out a way so we can actually broadcast somewhere other than the cafeteria. It's really pointless spending all this money on this thing. And quite a waste. There's no way we can really break even. It's sad and frustrating to most of the people at the station who are really just there 'cause they think being a DJ is kinda fun or interesting or a good experience, and are getting pulled into this ridiculousness.

And..I have cramps like a mofo.

I should stop whining. I don't have it so bad.

Plus, Josh just sent me a picture of his family's new puppy. Sigh. I'm gonna get all attatched and it's not even my puppy and then it goes back to the seeing eye program. Hehe. Oh well. Puppy!!!!


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

by "sensitiveness" i assume you mean "sensitivity"

correct me if i'm wrong.

Thu Feb 24, 09:53:00 PM  
Blogger David said...

Sensitiveness is the quality of being sensitive. Sensitivity is more like the activity of sense. The leaf's sensitivity to light. The teenage girl's sensitiveness. I would say that sensitiveness shouldn't have a prepositional complement typically, whereas sensitivity can.

You owe me an actually sexy pic of Zhang Ziyi. Both of you.

Thu Feb 24, 11:43:00 PM  

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