Tuesday, February 15, 2005

No jokes here

So I didn't write about this before because I was kind of scared and I didn't want to make anyone worried for no reason, and I didn't want to jinx stuff....but I'm gonna write about it now.

So on Thursday I went to the gynocologist for a normal check up type thing. Going to the gynocologist is funny. I don't really get why some people make such a big deal out of it, I don't find it THAT uncomfortable. I mean, there's poking and prodding in weird places, but it's not like it hurts (at least I'm pretty sure it shouldn't!). Maybe people are just more modest than me? Hehe. Anyway, I went to the gyno, and that was okay. Except at the end of my exam the doctor thought she might have felt a cyst on my left ovary.

Ooookay. She said it was usually nothing, but that she was sending me for an ultrasound just to be sure. I was already freaking out a little bit. I started freaking out kind of the second I saw that, "Hey, that shouldn't be there" look on my doctor's face during my exam. But I stayed calm enough until I got to the car where, of course, I immedeatly started crying on the phone to Josh and my mom. I don't know exactly why I was crying, I wasn't TOO scared about it...the doctor hadn't seemed that concerned. But I was nervous and thinking about my grandfather and how my grandmother had breast cancer years and years ago and how my mom had a hystorectomy and all that lovely stuff.

I got home and calmed down, mostly because I didn't want my mom to start freaking out. She freaked out anyway, but it would have been worse if I was being a spaz, too.

I went for an ultrasound on Friday. Linda was nice enough to go with me (Mari was going to come, too, but had rehearsal) :-). Actually, she drove me! An hour before you have an ultrasound, you have to drink 38 ounces of water. That's a little over two normal size bottles of Poland Spring that I drank in like...ten minutes...15, maybe? I swear, I really felt like my eyeballs were floating....it was crazy. Hence Linda driving, I was afraid I'd be too distracted by having to pee, hehe.

The ultrasound itself was kinda weird. They put this goo on my stomach which my mom told me was going to be cold, but it actually seemed to heat up a lot once it hit my skin. Very weird. The technician chick moved that sensor thing around...it was okay except that she was pressing down on my bladder after I'd had like a bucket of water. Eesh.

I also had an "internal" ultrasound. I won't go much into that, heh. Lets just say it was more poking and prodding like at the gyno's office. Not too bad, though.

Anyway, that was it and then I just had to wait a few days for my doctor to get back to me with my results. The ultrasound technician told me everything looked good and not to worry too much, but I still was a little nervous. I had lots of distractions, though. My grandmother went into assisted living over the weekend and that caused plenty of excitement since she's a cranky old lady who didn't want to be there. The people at the assisted living place kept calling to tell us how aggitated she was. Then she fell and they took her to the hospital (she's okay) and that caused more stuff to deal with. So I didn't have to spend too much time being worried. Josh was nice and called me everyday over the weekend to keep me even more distracted. And Linda and Mari were good at dealing with my random spazzing. I have great friends. :-D

So this afternoon I turned my cell phone on to a voicemail from my doctor.....and I'm fine!! She said everything looks okay and the ultrasound was clear and I'm so happy!!! I'm really grateful that it was nothing. And I'm especially grateful to my friends for keeping me calm and being so helpful while things were a little uncertain. Thanks, guys. :-)

And I've decided that this month I'm going to give money to ovarian cancer research. Since there are women who didn't get such happy news from their doctors.

Now I've gotta go. My aunt's in town and I have to get ready. Thanks again to all my friends. I don't know what I would do without you guys.



Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

wow. you are such an awesome person. GO ROBIN!

Wed Feb 16, 11:21:00 PM  

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