Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Double double, toil and trouble....

So while I saw Grandma-sitting I heard something on the radio about the fake concert thingy that Bogota-man was holding. Apparently there was a bunch of media there expecting some big goings on, and he thought there'd be like 100 people there supporting him. Would you like to hear what the radio said that grand total of Bogota-man supporters there were out there? 25*. HA. Guess my standing around with a sign wasn't even really necessary, huh? The guy on the radio said it seemed more like the residents of Maplewood and South Orange would rather just move on and stop being part of the national spotlight than deal with this shmuck of a guy. Maybe they didn't say shmuck. I don't really think reporters say shmuck. I usually don't even say shmuck. But that's besides the point. Tee hee hee...take that Bagota-man.

Although now the school district is being sued....read this on the The South Orange Journal Weblog. Blech. I'm so glad my tax dollars will end up being wasted on this. And see, when I used to say that, it just meant my parents tax dollars. But now I pay taxes. So it's even more annoying. Booo lawsuits. Boooooo.

I so need a shower.

*Wait, now someone's saying it was like 200...oy...I'm so confused...


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

ROBIN!! I've missed you. Really, I have. I that's saying a lot.

Tue Dec 21, 10:42:00 PM  

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