Thursday, October 28, 2004

Oh, you mean slutty!

This week has been ridiculously crappy. Between the traffic and my bad luck I've made it to all of - tada- TWO CLASSES so far this week. ::cries::

My radio show was asstastic due to my cohost not showing up. Which again, makes me want to cry. I like my cohost, he's cool, and one of the few guys at the radio station who has never directly or indirectly hit on me or said something chauvinistic or assholey. that I think about it I think I've given at least one or two people from the radio station this web address....oops...well if you're from the radio and reading this, I'm probably not talking about you.

I had the most creepy dream last night, I can't even explain it here, it's too creepy and gross and yucky. Not in an axe murderer dream kinda way, more in a ew that is so skeazy kinda way.

Alright, alright, I need to stop whining. It hasn't been that bad, compared to other things that could happen. So I need to shut up.

A good thing that happened this morning is that I woke up with my cat all snuggled next to me. That was nice. Cats make me happy.

Alright, time to stop writing. Adios.


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