Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Freedom of expression to a tee....

A few days ago I posted about New Jersey allowing gay couples to register for benefits. I got two comments in response. One of which was this (mind you, this comment uses a word or two I don't like using at all...unless I was British and wanted a cigarette...which is besides the point...)

That is truly disgusting. Why is it that the whole under 30 crowd in America is obsessed with faggots? Is it perhaps because your post-modern pliant minds got shaped like silly putty by the mass social re-engineering campaign going on within the media and the education camps? Is it because you look to shows such as "Friends" to be your shining beacon of ethics? Is it because for every hour you all have spent reading a book, you have spent ten more hours playing X box? Is it becuse the thought of having to walk a mile to get somewhere is a truly traumatic event? Is it because you need your cell-phones and computers like a baby needs the breast? Is it because you emulate true pussies like Eminem? Anything goes, right? It's all relative, right? There is no such thing as black or white, right or wrong, right? FUCKING DEAD WRONG! Two men married to each other is an unnatural abomination. Now before you spew out your predictable, sophomoric, pedantic, and knee-jerk response of calling me that superficial concoction of a word "homophobic," I'd suggest you quite thinking so hard about what tattoo to get next, pull up your jeans so I can't see your thong staring at me, learn how to use and enunciate properly the word "your" instead of "yo" and start really trying to be a woman instead of extending your adolescence for the next dozen or so years.

At first I wasn't sure if I should respond. It's possible this could just be a pranker who thinks I'll go around crying or screaming or something. Which would be just silly, because I have a temper, but I'm not stupid. Why should I get upset over someone I don't know being mean to me about something so controversial? Should I acknoweledge the things this person has said to me? Should I let this effect me in any way at all? Wouldn't that be like letting the terrorists win?!

But then I thought, the comment didn't really anger me and didn't really hurt me either, and what the hell, I have things to say and I want to say them.

First, I feel the need to correct a few assumptions made about me by this person (who went by "Anonymous", oh the shock).

1. a. First of all, let's get a few facts straight. I don't have an X Box, and I'm pretty sure I've never played on one. As a matter of fact, the only game system I've ever owned in my life is a Gameboy, and that was tossed aside after about three weeks. Books, however, cover my shelves, my night table, parts of my floor, and entire walls in most rooms of my house.
b. I walked home from school (which was about a mile away from my home) nearly every day from age 10 to age 17. I don't remember any of these times being traumatic. Except maybe the time when I was 11 and my best friend fell down on the way to school and skinner her knee badly enough that we had to turn back.
c. While I do spend a lot of time at my computer sometimes, there are other times when I am hardly on it at all. And as for my cell phone, the only reason I have one is so that my parents can stay in contact with me should there be an emergency.
d. I do not emulate Eminem at all. For one, if I emulated Eminem, I would hate gay people, wouldn't I? And also, I would never dye my hair that shade of neon...
e. "Enunciate" relates to speach, not writing. I was writing, therefore the use of "ennunciate" in this situation is incorrect.
f. You say that two men married to each other is "unnatural". Well technically, in my opinion, anyone married to each other is "unnatural". Marriage is a creation of man, not nature. Human beings are the only things in nature who have such an institution. Although other species of animal may mate for life (which many species do not), they do not "marry".
g. I do not have a tattoo and will not be getting a tattoo. For one, it is against my religion. Also, I don't like needles, and I wouldn't put something permenant on my skin that I wouldn't necessarily want there fifty years from now.
h. I'm sorry I can't prove this to you, but the jeans that I wear really aren't very low what so ever. You can ask my friends, if you'd like, who might tell you I more often than not have worn jeans that don't really show my body at all and wear them mostly for comfort.
i. I have worn thongs, but only on very rare occassions (such as not being able to do my laundry and running out of normal undewear) and usually only under clothing that no one would be able to see it without me wanting them to. And you most certainly would not be one of the people I choose to see my thong.
j. I am afraid you have made various incorrect assumptions about me, my beliefs, and my thoughts. For one, I would never call you a homophobe. The term "homophobe" would lead one to assume that one is scared of homosexuals. You don't seem scared of homosexuals, and if you are, I wouldn't make such an assumptions without knowing more about you. However, you do seem to rather dislike homosexuals. This does not make you homophobic at all. Simply hateful.
k. And finally, at the age of 19, I am a woman in every sense of the word, in biology and maturity. But considering the fact that you've already proven to know very little about me (see above), why should you for any reason realize that I'm a woman? Not that it really matters to me what you think. Obviously.

And now, I must go.

Oh, I forgot one thing.

l. In. YO. Face.


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

I miss reading your blog everyday

Wed Jul 28, 04:51:00 PM  

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