Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Why Tina Fey is my Hero

Tina Fey: The cover story of New York Magazine this week is Baby Panic. This goes perfectly with the other magazines on my coffee table -- Where Are The Babies? (US), Why Haven't You Had A Baby? (People), and, For God's Sake Have A Baby (Time).
Thanks Time Magazine, this is just what I need -- another article so depressing that I can actually hear my ovaries curling up.

According to author Sylvia Hewlett, career women shouldn't wait to have babies because our fertility takes a steep drop-off after age 27. And Sylvia's right -- I definitely should've had a baby when I was 27, living in Chicago, over a biker bar, pulling down a cool 12 grand a year. That woulda worked out great.
But Sylvia's message is feminism can't change nature, which is true. If feminism could change nature, Ruth Bader Ginsburg would be all oiled up on the cover of Maxim.
Ladies, there's no reason to panic though: it's out of your control anyway. Either your cooter works, or it doesn't.

My mom had me when she was 40, and this was back in the 70s when the only "fertility aid" was Harvey's Bristle Cream. So, waiting is just a risk that I'm going to have to take.

And, I don't think I could do fertility drugs, because, to me, 6 half-pound translucent babies is not a miracle! I'd rather adopt a baby. I don't need a kid that looks like me. I was not a cute kid. I looked like a cross between that chick from the Indigo Girls... and the other chick from the Indigo Girls! Not a cute kid.

Dratch, Poehler, Maya... how do you feel about author Sylvia Hewlett?

ALL: We hate Sylvia Hewlett.

Rachel: Yea, Sylvia, um.. thanks for reminding me that I have to hurry up and have a baby... me and my 4 cats will get right on this.
Amy: My neighbor has this cute little adorable Chinese baby that speaks Italian..so, I'll just buy one of those..
Maya: Yeah, Sylvia, maybe your next book should tell men our age to stop playing Grand Theft Auto 3 and holding out for the chick from Alias.
Amy: You guys wanna go stare at Ana some more?
ALL: Yeah, okay.


Blogger Philippe said...

I would just like to say, I would like to propogate with Tina Fey.

Tue May 11, 11:16:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

Tina Fey isn't necessarily my hero. But my heroes are the Thing-That-Came-From-Outer-Space-and-Ate-That-Really-Annoying-Shreiking-Harpee-of-a-Woman and my mother. So I guess that's not saying much.

Just decided to drop by after reading your profile. But I promise I don't stalk (anyomre).

Wed May 12, 01:05:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

Sorry, I guess my stalking withdrawal symptoms are sparking again, but I couldn't help but notice you have an old blog named Good Karma and I have a pretty recent post about Bad Karma. Maybe it's an aries thing. Oh and I had to fix my mistake from earlier:anyMORE. I'm done.

Wed May 12, 01:22:00 PM  

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