Saturday, April 03, 2004

Revelations of the day:

Miles and I share the same taste in music. Also, Miles greatly misjudged my taste in music for quite awhile. Silly.

If you're going to have a fish-man in a movie, don't get a mime to play him. He will end up being such a tool.

There is no such thing as smudge proof mascara.

It's okay to wear two jackets on top of each other. One for fashion purposes and one for "it's fucking cold out" purposes. Even if it's not REALLY fucking cold and just a tad bit chilly.

Amy Patierno has fucking awesome shoes and I want some like that right. NOW.

Wow, I've totally heard Bone Machine (Pixies song) somewhere before and I don't know where...probably on some tv show...not bad.

And I have some kind of bug bite on my face. Yick.


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