Monday, March 29, 2004

Also, there was my birthday.

Don't ask me why I just started this with "also".

But like I was saying, Saturday was my birthday. I started out the day by waking up far too early and going to an audition in NYC which I probably won't get anything from since there were hundreds upon hundreds of people there..and that was just the two hours I was waiting on line, the audition went on for about six more hours after that...

After the audition, which I won't really dwell on 'cause..yeah...I stood on line for two hours..what more do you need to know? I went to see my best friend from childhood, Alice. A lot of the time when I've tried to hang out or talk with Alice in recent years it's been kinda strained since we were so young when I moved away and we really had nothing in common in our lives any more other than being friends when we were little. But it was actually REALLY fun! We didn't get to do much together 'cause she had a driving lesson to go to. But we got muffins and Starbucks stuff, which she refused to let me pay for (so now I must go in for her birthday and buy her muffins and coffee) and sat in Riverside Park and ate and drank and talked about stuff going on in our lives now and who gets drunk and gay best friends (and how hip you seem when you have one) and who's done sketchy things. It was great. I think the problem was for so long we were stuck in seeing each other the way we did when we were 6 and 7 and..hey..we're not 6 and 7 anymore. I hope I get to see her again soon. :-) PS I think everyone would love her, she wears Audrey Hepburn like sunglasses, has a coffee addiction, likes vintage stuff and has awesome completely natural red hair which looks like what I kinda wanted mine to look like when I dyed it and failed miserably at that. So yes. I want Alice to come visit and meet people and then we'll all have lotsa fun.

So, after I got back from NY and had a nice long nap (hehe, which various people called me during and who I went "go away, I'm sleeping" to) Linda and Mike and Diane and I went to Olive Garden for birthday dinner yumminess. Sucks that it was only the four of us (Mari, what's with your parents and their blatant hatred of me?!?! Yes, that's selfcentered sounding considering you were the one who got grounded and obviously it sucks more for you, but hey...I wanted my Mari at my birthday! I haven't seen you in FOREVER!...PS I think it's really funny how your mom thinks I'm slutty..but a sober slut...I shall explain at a later date...::muah::), but it was still a lot of fun. Oh man, Mike got me the most awesome present. He got me a Sir Robin action figure from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And it TALKS!!! See, I get a ton of Batman and Robin jokes and Robin Hood jokes, but no one has ever been cool enough to do a Sir Robin thing. But yes. Mike rocks. As does Monty Python. And my lovely new action figure. Whee!!

After dinner we all sort of went our seperate ways (we could have chilled at my house, but I kind of uninvited everyone 'cause I was tired and my ravioli was making my tummy all confused..sorry guys..I still <3 you all...please don't hate me!). But then I got to talk to Matt for quite awhile and that made me extremely happy since even though we usually talk everyday, it's usually only for a few minutes to say hi and make sure that neither of us has had too many nervous breakdowns that day and I miss just getting to have a nice long random conversation sometimes. And I was a little bummed that he wasn't around for my birthday (and I know Matt, it couldn't be helped, I understand, but it still bummed me out a little bit) so getting to talk to him for awhile was good.

Just saw a "natural male enhancement" commercial on TV...ooookay.

So yes. My birthday was pretty good. And now...I do believe it's sleepy time. G'night everybody.


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