Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I feel like updating. But not about the recent stuff that everyone already knows about 'cause it's most likely none of your business and it's my blog and therefore I get to pick what to talk about so sucks for you, biatches who are only reading my blog for some good gossip. And I know you're out there. You're wasting your time. So shoo! Shoo! ::grabs bug spray and a baseball bat::

It's so pretty out lately, I totally want to just go sit in a comfy chair in the sun and read and listen to music. But I'm far too lazy to ACTUALLY do that.

Linda and Mari and I saw Ella Enchanted the other day. I absolutely loved it. And want an Ella Enchanted buddy icon. So someone make me one. It's really funny 'cause Molly knows Anne Hathaway and I can just imagine getting an icon like that and then Molly seeing it and it being weird. But anyway. The movie rocked.

And Happy late Birthday to Mari! My lesbian lover. I love you, deary. We were in Panera on Saturday after the movie and this guy kept waving at us and I decided that should he come over that I would grab Mari's hand, wink, and go "Sorry...not interested". Teeheehee. There was also a very Friends-esque conversation about what girl you'd make out with if you were drunk. And no one picked me. Bastards. Why doesn't anyone liiikkeee meeeeee? ::cries::

I'm hungry. I don't think I've had a decent meal since....awhile ago. Oops. Must find chips now. Bye bye.


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