Tuesday, January 13, 2004

So the thing that sucks about being at home is that my parents are starting to be anal retentive....actually, they started that awhile ago, now they're just getting into the full swing of it.

I went out for like half an hour to drug fair and got home to my dad going "Where were you?! No one knew where you were! I've been calling your phone since 5!!"

Completely obnoxious, because:

1. I was on the highway from 5 to 6 trying to find my way back from CCM 'cause I got forced off the highway in Clinton.
2. I got home at 6:15, talked to Mom, went out again for like half an hour.
3. What the fuck, I'm a grown up, leave me alone, do I make you leave a note when you're going out? No. And do you EVER answer your phone when I call? No. Because you're hard of hearing and refuse to admit it. And do you ever tell me stuff like you're working late or whatever, no, and I don't call you up being like "Where the fuck are you?!?"

He's just grumpy 'cause he had to walk home and he's lazy. Psha. As I've said many times, my dad could do with walking now and then. Lazy.


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