Tuesday, July 08, 2003

People kinda suck sometimes. Like when you have those kids who are supposed to be your bff and then they don't even make an attempt to come visit you for literally YEARS. No exhaggeration.

And then in your attempt to be a nice person, you tell them not to worry about it and it's really okay if they can't come see you until maybe a week or two before you leave the state for months despite the fact that you know that they probably will have some other excuse then, too.

It's not that you haven't seen them, you have. But it always requires YOU going and hanging out with THEIR friends who you can't keep up a conversation with because they all have their little inside jokes and it's YOU paying the train fair and packing your things and being the one who doesn't know your way around, instead of getting to introduce them to YOUR friends who would probably be nice and friendly and talkative and showing them around.

And deep down you really know that you've barely been friends with this person for years, and you're really getting sick of being the only one trying the keep things going and you can barely tell if you have anything in common anymore. And despite all this you still feel really horrible when they yet again make up some excuse to not see you.

So...you know...people really suck sometimes.


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