Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Feeling much better now. Went to Paintin' the Plates with Linda and it was SOOO MUCH FUN! We both painted these container things, she did a sea theme and I put little lips/kisses/whatever all over mine. I'm not sure how great mine looks, (probably extremely girly...or obscene...depending on what it looks like after it's fired) but it was still lots of fun. There were these kids there who talked A LOT. This was overheard:

Kid 1: I helped God paint a rocket ship....he wanted to but he need my help....
Kid 2: Well...I helped Jesus paint a (I forgot what she actually said, but we'll pretend she said:) boat...Jesus needed my help to paint a boat.....

Kids are fun.

And I really want to see Pirates of the Carribean.


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