Friday, February 14, 2003


Don't ask.

Anyway....I should update, right? Like an actual update? With words?


Soooo....I showed my mom my report card, but not till after I talked to Mrs. Petrallia about my shit English grade. Mrs. Petrallia was really nice about it and said she knew it wasn't really a reflection of my usual work and supportive teacher-y stuff like that. And when I talked to my mom, she didn't flip out and that was WONDERFUL. We only talked about it for like 10 minutes, too, not the usual 45. Phew.

And then she told me what a Jewish Funeral was like. 'Cause I'll probably have to go to one soon. But how about we not think about that right now.

Someone just tried to break into my computer. Fuckers.

Today some telemarketer called my house asking for my mom. The conversation went something like this:

StupidBitch: ::random things to other people in room which sounded like rude comments towards me::
Robin: Hello?
StupidBitch: ::long pause followed by loudly yelled:: Hello! Can I speak to Judy?
Robin: May I ask who's calling?
StupidBitch: Is this Judy?
Robin: ::slightly impatient:: May I ask who's calling?
StupidBitch: NO! ::hangs up on me::

So you know what I did? *69. I've got the bitch's number. Literally. And I tried calling it but it just kept ringing and ringing. I didn't know what I was going to say if I finally got through to her, but it would have been something nasty. I was in a kind of vengeful mood. Maybe if I'm bored over vacation I'll call her again. Or get someone to prank call her. I'm such a loser.

And now I should go dry my hair and go to sleep so I can be awake for Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day! ::throws candy at people::


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