Saturday, February 08, 2003

So Philippe posted the lyrics to "Corner of the Sky" from Pippin and that made me think of "Ribbon in the Sky" by Stevie Wonder and that's now stuck in my head. Both good songs. But now I will listen to Counting Crows to clear my head.

SNOW DAY!! YIPEEE!! I really didn't care much if we had school today. It just wasn't that much of a big deal to me, but I was very happy to have the snow day. My first alarm went off at 6:45. I woke up for a minute or two to figure out if I felt like getting out of bed and getting dressed. I decided I'd rather sleep a little longer, but before deciding this I remember that it was possibly a snow day today. I thought about going to the window and opening the shade to see how much it had snowed, but was afraid to because usually when I do that it turns out it only snowed half an inch and the roads are completely clear. So I went back to sleep until my second alarm went off at 7:15, when I finally got my lazy ass out of bed, rubbed my eyes in an attempt to get them to work properly, and opened my shade to see...gasp...SNOW! And LOTS of it.

I walked into the hallway and looked into my parents room (our hallway isn't much of a hallway at all, just a little circle thing as all of the rooms upstairs are pretty much in a kind of circular formation). My mom just looked at me, said "School's cancelled" to which I replied "Phew"...really, I said that...she got all suspicious as to why I said "Phew" like I was trying to avoid something at school, but it was really that I just wanted to go back to sleep. Which I did until about 11 when the phone rang and I woke up hearing my mom saying "She's still asleep." Which I figured meant it was Matt calling to tell me we were going sledding (this had been previously discussed) so I got up and went to the phone and soon I was at Matt's house.

At Matt's house I helped shovel out their driveway, which really wasn't so bad. It was good excersize and I wasn't even tired afterward. Philippe and Mari showed up after awhile and also helped shovel. Then it was off to sledding!

Sledding was actually fun this time as Matt lent me warm clothes so I wasn't freezing after going down the hill once. We went down in a chain once and that was fun, despite Miles trying to sabotage us by running into us and we nearly hit a buncha people. Then we were all just standing around at the bottom of the hill when some bitchy woman came over and yelled at us.

I'll start from the beginning. When we were about to go down the hill for the first time, we overheard this mother telling her kids (maybe 5 or 6) that if they thought they were going too fast to put out their feet into the snow. Matt heard this and started yelling "No! No! Don't do that!" and explained that if they did that they could twist their foot back and hurt themselves. The woman thanked him for the warning and we went off to sled. Later when we were standing at the bottom of the hill, this same woman, or her friend who I consider to be the same person because they were both skanky ( Okay, maybe not skanky as they were in big heavy snow jackets with five year olds, but for now I'll call them skanky in the "Ew, you smell" sense.) and bitchy and evil, came up to us. She said to us, very rudely "Will you please move, my son was already hit once today." to which I wanted to respond "Excuse me, we have every right to stand here at the bottom of the hill and we did not hit your son, obviously, since we're STANDING STILL. You can't hit someone while standing still. So go bitch at someone else." Everyone else was apparently thinking the same thing and we groaned about her for awhile and decided to continue standing there. A little while later, the little kids who belonged to the bitchy mothers came sliding down the hill in these inner tube things and hit some middle schoolers who were standing near us at the bottom of the hill. The mothers rushed over screaming, "Are you okay?!?!?" and then went and started screaming at the middle school girls!!! First of all, they were way off to the side where people aren't even supposed to be sledding in the first place, and they had just finished going down the hill and hadn't been able to get out of the way yet. One of the girls started standing up to the mother, andk that is a very cool kid who will do that. When I was in middle school I probably would have just started crying and left. The middle schoolers had told the kids they should watch where they're going, to which the little kids said that they were going backwards and couldn't see anything. Lame answer, since it's clearly their fault since they shouldn't be going backwards, but I'll let them get away with it since their 5. Anyway, the girl standing up to the mother told them that it wasn't their fault, that the kids had run into them, and that they had just come down the hill and didn't have time to get out of the way yet. The mother started saying something like how after they got down the hill they should immedeatly move out of the way or something. Weak. And she knew it. Stupid bitchy mothers. I wanted to go over there and bitch her out so badly. But instead after they had dissappeared with their annoying kids, Mari and I and then everyone else went over to congratulate the girls on standing up to the women and tell them they had been after us, too.

Those kids weren't even supposed to be on that side of the hill, if I understood what this one middle school girl said. They were 5 and 6 and I think there was supposed to be an area for younger kids on the other side of the hill. They also shouldn't have been on inner tubes because they go fast and there's absoluetely no way to control them, you're most like to end up backwards no matter what you do. And the women should have been watching their damn bratty kids in the first place, if they didn't want their kids bumping into people then they shouldn't have taken them sledding at all, yet alone to Flood's Hill where there's a ton of people.

Stupid people make me mad.

So after this we decided to leave. We went back to Miles's house where everyone had met and put some sleds away, then watched Miles eat snow off trees. It's very funny. Oh yeah, and Miles's dog would only eat snow out of my hand and not anyone else's and for some reason this made me feel special. I'm weird. And have a weakness for big happy dogs. We left there to go to a diner in Union which was pretty good. Dan and I started talking about back when we were "best friends" in tenth grade. What were we thinking?? Haha, it was an interesting conversation.

After this we went back to Mike's and watched Mystery Men. Eddie Izzard not in drag and with an American accent. I didn't think it was a very good movie, but the parts with Eddie Izzard were great, just 'cause it was Eddie Izzard. In men's clothing. With an American accent. So funny. Then Matt and I left.

This is a long entry. It's too make up for all my lack of posting, I guess. But nothing's really happened in the past few days. Or at least, nothing I feel like writing about. The only thing I can think to talk about is my grandfather's prognosis and unless your name is Matt or Philippe, I'm sorry, but I really don't want to talk about it too much, although I'm sure you'll hear about it eventually.

And now I've run out of things to say. I feel like taking pictures of something. Like an actual posed picture. Dunno why, just feel like doing it right now. But instead I'll go bum around the internet for no reason now. G'night.


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