Thursday, January 30, 2003

Today I got to school late and Mr. May didn't seem to care. And then he first pretended to be nice to us, but then made it clear that he loves the band much much more than us and that he really hates us all and then he made us carry up all the chairs and music stands from the auditorium and set them up. FOR THE BAND. Except we played for five minutes and it was awful. He was being a real bastard today.

CaDeNcEbEaTsDoWn (9:50:47 PM): its so obvious he favors them
TypicalBrunette (9:50:51 PM): of course
CaDeNcEbEaTsDoWn (9:50:54 PM): yeah i know right
TypicalBrunette (9:51:02 PM): no one wants the orchestra, we're just something that comes along with the band
TypicalBrunette (9:51:06 PM): like an std....
TypicalBrunette (9:51:16 PM): hahahah, i can't believe i just compared the orchestra to an std
CaDeNcEbEaTsDoWn (9:51:43 PM): HAHAHHAHAHA
TypicalBrunette (9:52:01 PM): but it's so true!!!
TypicalBrunette (9:52:11 PM): the band is like sex and everyone likes it and yay for the band
TypicalBrunette (9:52:21 PM): and the orchestra is just this thing that comes along and ruins everything!
TypicalBrunette (9:52:32 PM): omg, i'm sick

I blame too much health class. Ms. Martinez tramatized me with her "trophy" and now I have a sick sick mind.

We had an assembly today. It was extrodinarily stupid and now we're going to get ID's that we MUST wear because apparently we're all juvenile delinquents or something....I don't know. I doubt it'll last for too long. They can't kick everyone out of school for not wearing them. And if they did, that would be kinda fun 'cause we'd all go out for pizza.

Speaking of pizza:

Today at lunch I went up to the counter to get change for a dollar for the gumball machine. The guy was getting change for me (I think his name is Frankie? This is the same guy who calls me "Beautiful", Anna "Beautiful Eyes" and all guys we ever show up with "Crackhead"...I dunno if he has a nickname for Jen, but that could be 'cause she rarely buys things) and Matt came up and put his arm around me (yeah yeah, PDA, get over it you little three year olds) and this was the conversation which followed:

Frankie: Watch out, Matt, she's got a boyfriend!
Matt: Yeah, I know, it's me!

And we laughed quite a bit. And then told Mike and Philippe who thought we were raging idiots. Which is possible. was a lot funnier at the time...and...shut up.

And then Mike did an impression of an emu humping a guy and I will never be the same again.

Oh yeah...I might have gotten into college? It's confusing. Pitt sent me a letter saying they couldn't admit me to the main campus, but that I qualified for acceptance elsewhere (they have about five campuses, I think) I think I got in, just to a different this might mean I'm in college, in which case I'd be really happy. But I'm not sure. So I'm mostly confused and so is my whole family. Out of my mom, my dad, Matt, and I, nobody's really sure what the letter means. I'll call tomorrow and ask. I hope it means that I can get in somewhere. It'd be nice to be less freaked about college. Maybe I'll take the number with me and call during lunch out of impatience. Or maybe not.

I'm seeing Chicago tomorrow!!! Yay!!!

I'm tired and need to take a shower.

OH! And my sociology teacher tends to say "right" in random places when speaking. Like how people say "like" for no reason (something I'm guilty of doing a lot because I'm a slutty ditz...but not really...I'm only a ditz SOME of the time....). Anyway, the girl next to me who was in my psych class and I decided to count how many times he said it. We started a little late, he'd already said it a few times by the time we started keeping track, but our final number from when we started keeping track to the end of the period was 69. I'm gonna try it again tomorrow. What else is there to do in that class? Learn?! Pfft.

Fitness will be cool, even though all the gym teachers are being mean to Ms. Lobo. But they can all fuck themselves 'cause everyone likes Ms. Lobo the most. Except Ms. Martinez is still cool, but maybe she's not one of the people being mean. Oh! Funny conversation from fitness:

Lobo: (talks about how she scheduled the entire school's gym classes and for some reason this makes her disliked by other gym teachers) So now all the gym teachers hate me...well not all of them, but some of them don't like me so much now...
Ewelina: Ew, I bet it's Miss Ettinger, she's a bitch.
(class cracks up)
Lobo: Miss Ettinger's mom died yesterday.
Ewelina: Whatever, it's not like Miss Ettinger died!

Done writing now. Bye bye.


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