Monday, January 27, 2003

So I'm sitting around reading blogs and you people are damn funny sometimes....

Miles masturbating quote is very amusing and then Matt wants to have sex with his computer and Mari compares people to vacuum cleaners and I was just sitting here laughing my ass off the entire time. And then Liz Niewood (who I think has a name that you have to say both the first and last together all the time for some reason, like Dan Lange and Matt Baer who very often are called Danlange and Mattbaer) posted my favorite quote from any musical EVER.

"'You been screwin' the milkman!' he says. He was crazy and he kept on screamin', 'You been screwin' the milkman! ' And then he ran into my knife! He ran into my knife TEN TIMES!"

which I have posted before but no one understood except Diane because you all are uncultured swine...but not really. But now people will know what I was talking about. HOORAY!

I need to take a shower now. And I want to see Chicago. And I also want to BE in Chicago 'cause that would be cool. And since I'm already a slut and know.


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