Sunday, January 19, 2003

I just read Miles's blog and want to comment on what he said re: Philippe and Daisy

To Miles: I envy you. I WISH I could be neutral. I wish I could be on the extreme outside of it and feel bad for them, but still be able to be friends with them both. I HATE taking sides. Anyone who knows me knows that I will do my best to never pick sides on something I don't know all the facts about and I will never put someone in the position of picking a side if I can help it. But for some reason, I was put somewhat in the middle and now I CAN'T be neutral. I was personally attacked in all of this and my side was chosen for me. For some reason, my name got dragged through the mud in the whole mess and as much as I wish I could, I can't just forget about it and pretend it didn't happen. I lost one of my best friends and that hurt so incredibly much that I can't even describe it. If the world made more sense, people breaking up wouldn't effect their friends. They would move on and everyone could still get along and things wouldn't suck so much, but the world makes no sense so it doesn't work that way.

I wish I could be neutral. I wish I could still have my friend because it's so hard to not speak to someone, to be afraid to make eye contact, to stay angry at someone. It's horrible to feel like running away just at the sight of a person. Especially someone who was a best friend. So I'm not going to be angry anymore, it's just too hard. But I can't go back to the way it was. I was attacked for no reason and I can't just pretend it didn't happen, no matter how much I wish I could. So I'm jealous. Despite anyway I may act or anything I may say, I miss my friend. Despite what has happened and what names I have been called and how many times I have been attacked for no reason...I still miss my friend and I wish that somehow it could all be a giant misunderstanding and we could all be friends again. But that's not going to happen.

I've gone off on a tangent. I started this trying to say something about how it's good to not pick sides and I ended up telling my own little piece of the insanity (just so you know I wasn't attacking anything Miles said, I just went on a tangent about my own feelings on it and didn't stop). There's a million more things I could say, but none of them make any sense in writing or anywhere other than in my head. So I will end with this: If you can stay neutral, you are incredibly lucky. Don't pick a side. Don't get involved. Just be there for your friends, I doubt that anyone will hold it against you.


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