Sunday, January 12, 2003

I feel sorta better. I can walk around a little more without feeling like I'm gonna fall over, so that's good. And my fever seems to have gone away, for now. I still feel kinda gross, though. I can't get rid of this damned headache.

Anyway, this means I will probably still be quarantined for the rest of the day and have to go to school tomorrow, which is really no fun at all, but it's only a half day and I think people are going out for lunch, so that will be cool if I get to go.

I got a letter from my psych teacher saying I had 6 absences in her class. Which means I now have 8 absences in her class and I'm allowed 9. Eek. Although I think that's a bit fucked up because none of my other teachers have said I have that many absences....although who knows, we may get more letters...grrr....I like Mrs. Stelmasik when she's not being a pain in the ass about stupid rules. She lets this one kid in my class come in late every day of his life AND eat his lunch in class and I get in trouble for being sick? Not fair. And she's had more absences than my entire class combined. Okay, so she's pregnant, but still, give people a break!

Done ranting, I think.

I wish I had more to write about. Not much goes on in my house, though.

It looks pretty out today, but it's probably cold as hell. I miss spring.


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