Friday, December 13, 2002

And now what you ALL want to read about.

The musical auditions. Except...

I didn't have a musical audition. I will explain.

At the beginning of the auditions, Linda got upset about something that I'm not gonna talk about, because it's her thing to talk about. But whatever, she was upset about something and I asked Mr. Healy if I could go outside with her for a few minutes and then come back to audition and he said yes. Stephane came out a few seconds later and so did Mr. Healy and once Linda was okay, we went back inside.

I got called up to dance. Only problem, I had missed learning the dance. I don't know if they had gone over it again while I was outside, but whatever. So Ms. Mitchell gets up, does the dance in about five seconds and I was then expected to do it. Now I am not and have never claimed to be a dancer. I can barely walk without banging into something, seriously. So my basic response was "Umm....huh?!?!". That's when Bethany says, "Are you not going to be able to get it from that? 'Cause if not, you don't have to audition."


So after doing a double take, I say something like, "Well I want to audition, I just never learned the dance."

That's when Ms. Mitchell starts to bitch at me. First, you should know that this woman has hated me for three years because I can't dance. She's the one who used to call me "Girl in the tee shirt". She starts saying I should have learned the dance. Now I started to get pissed. I was kind of getting a little bit of an attitude, and told her that I had been in Washington DC looking at colleges the day of the actual auditions and hadn't been there to learn the dance. "All this time?! You were there for two weeks?! You couldn't have gotten someone to teach you the dance?!" She says this as she tries to walk me away from the "stage" area.


1. I had no idea what went on at the auditions. I didn't even know when I'd be able to audition, if I would be able to at all.
2. The people at the original auditions hadn't known the dance ahead of time. I had actually thought of maybe asking someone to show me what the dance was like, but I thought that would be unfair since I would have more time to prepare than everyone else.
3. No one told me that I would be expected to know the dance at the audition. No one told me anything. I'm sorry I can't learn a dance in five seconds with an entire room of my peers staring at me, it's just a talent I've never mastered. I'm sorry that I didn't know if I went outside to comfort my friend that I'd end up missing something crucial to my audition, I asked Mr. Healy and he said it was okay. But really...I'm not sorry at all, so fuck off, bitch.

So I said to Ms. Mitchell, "Okay. I'm not auditioning."

She was soooo not expecting that. She was thinking I'd have a breakdown right there in front of everyone.

"Well," she says, "I guess MAYBE Heidi or someone could teach you the dance outside, or...."

Okay, so there's an option. But really, if this is how the musical is starting out...if these are the people I'm going to have to work with if I get in...I'm not wasting three months of my life on this.

"No," I say, "That's okay. I'm not auditioning." And I get my stuff, and I leave.

And I'm halfway down the hallway and I hear the door opening behind me and Philippe had followed me out and then I started crying because...well, I'm a girl and when something like that cry. Philippe made me feel a little better and I told him to go back inside and do his callback and kick everyone's ass. Linda comes back from where ever she had gone, and Stephane walks out saying he's not doing the musical because he can't get Hysterium. Linda made me feel a little better, and then a lot of people were done auditioning and were leaving. I signed up for pit and talked to Mr. May who said he'd be glad to let me play. Then I gave Monica a ride home and here I am.

So I'll be in pit, and that will be fun because I'll get to play my violin. And Ms. Mitchell is a bitch.

All insults or people telling me that I'm a moron can be told to me on AIM at TypicalBrunette.

Although there's no promise that I won't tell you to fuck off.


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