Thursday, December 12, 2002

My parents are trying to pick out a baby picture of me for the yearbook. They showed me some of the pictures that they narrowed it down to and let me tell you, I was one goofy baby. One of the pictures is me at about one looking like I'm having a very serious conversation with two stuffed animals. One is of me in a high chair "eating" spinach (eating in quotation marks because the spinach is all over the chair and all over me, but I doubt I actually ate any of it because I hate spinach and always have). Another one is of me at I dunno, three or four maybe, very blonde, and sitting on top of a giant Snoopy doll while using it's ears as a seatbelt. You'd have to see it to understand it. I told ya. I was a goofy kid (ha, like I'm not goofy now, riiiight).

I fixed Kazaa!!! YES!! Okay, I didn't really fix it so much as just downloaded it again, but who cares, I have music and I'm happy. :-D

In chorus today Imhoff was trying to get everyone to go from the risers to seats and back to the risers, except that I went to him and said, "Um, I don't sit down, I have to go up for orchestra so don't put a seat for me," to which he responded, "Okay, you know what you should do? Go right out in front and scream I'M IN ORCHESTRA! I'M IN ORCHESTRA!"


Okay, not really. But it was extremely embarassing. Imhoff's a weirdo sometimes.

At lunch there were really weird conversations that made us all sound like we were racists.

Robin: We're reading The Jungle in English. It's really weird and has parts in Lithuanian.
Matt: Lithuanian?!
Philippe: Why? Do you hate Lithuanian's, Matt?
Matt: I hate Jews.
Mike: Me too. You know who I hate? Catholics.
Robin: Oh yeah, me too. But you know who I ESPECIALLY hate? Guys with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Mike: HA! I don't have blue eyes! I have GREY eyes!

(Just to make it clear we're NOT actually a bunch of racists: Matt's Jewish, Mike's Catholic and doesn't hate Jews (I think), I don't actually hate Catholics or people with blonde hair and blue eyes and as far as I know, no one hates Lithuanians either which is good 'cause I'm half Lithuanian which is just too much fun to say because who the hell comes from Lithuania?!)

And then:

Robin: We couldn't find parking and we were waiting in the parking lot for this woman who was putting grocery bags in her car to finish so we could take her parking spot. So she was putting her groceries away, and she sees us waiting, and she keeps putting her groceries away, and finally she's done....and then she closes the trunk and walks away. AND THEN SHE JAYWALKED IN FRONT OF US!
Mike: You should have run her over.
Matt: That's what I said!
Anthony: Murder's kind of illegal, though.
Robin: Yeah, well so is jaywalking!!


I took a quiz in psychology and forgot what the Ego does and made something up. And then I found out that our final is going to be open notes. Yes!!

I beat Matt at ping pong! And then Rebecca beat him, too! Then he got mad and he beat me really easily twice. But, still...I beat Matt at ping pong! After that, Rebecca and I went back to doing what we usually do in ping pong which is thinking up as many silly things to do that are sort of related to ping pong but doesn't actually require having any skill. Today we tried hitting the ball with our eyes closed. We have previously tried hitting the ball backwards, seeing how far across the room we could hit it, and completely dumping the paddles and trying to throw the ping pong ball into a basketball net. Do you honestly expect us to play ping pong for 50 minutes straight?!

English was boring.

Parnassian/Governers Awards meeting after school that was kinda pointless except everyone saw a yearbook from 8th grade. Miles you looked SOOOOO different. And you're stoopid.

And then I came home.

P.S. Mari and Liza got linked! Hooray!!


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