Tuesday, October 01, 2002

1) Starting time: 8:54 PM

> 2) Your Name: Robin

> 3) Nicknames: I don't really have nicknames anymore. I used to have tons of really obnoxious ones but now it's mostly Robin.

> 4) School: Bomb Scare Central

> E-mail: I get enough porn ads as it is, thank you.

> 6) Eyes: Brown

> 7) Height: 5'5"...or at least that's why my license says

> 8) Pets: My cat Alice.

> 9) Siblings: None. I'm a spoiled brat.

> ~~**HAVE YOU EVER**~~

> 10) Been so drunk you blacked out: Nope. Alky-hol is bad. That's what the health teacher says and lord knows I always listen to her. :::straightens halo:::

> 11) Taken any illegal substances: Not that I know of....hmm...

> 12) Gone out in public in your pajamas: My pajamas consist of an old tee-shirt and some shorts, so I've worn them in public. They just weren't pajamas at the time.

> 13) Missed school b/c it was raining: Hurricane Floyd. That was pretty cool.

> 14) Set any body part on fire for amusement: No, of all the crazy things I've done, that's not one of them.

> 15) Kept a secret from everyone: Of course. Telling everyone everything gets really old, really fast.

> 16) Who knows your deepest ones: I'm not in the habit of telling my deepest secrets...you know, the ones that you never tell a living soul....besides, my deepest secrets aren't all that interesting anyway.

> 17) Wanted to hook up with a friend: Possibly...well...yeah...but there's no way in hell I'd say who.

> 18) Cried during a Flick: Yeah. Only cried in a theater twice, though. First at The Little Mermaid when I was little. It was the first movie I ever saw and I got really sad when Ariel left her family. I think it was all just a little much for me and probably way past my bedtime. And then at A.I. That was a damn depressing movie. It's the only time I've ever wished that the main character would just die already so he'd be out of his misery.

> 19) Had a crush on a teacher: Oh, that's disgusting. Have you SEEN my teachers?! Not to mention the fact that the only male teachers I currently have are Mr. May and Dr. Imhoff (aka Grampa)....ewwwwwww.

> 20) Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Not really...although I've thought if they were real people they might be kinda hot.

> 23) Prank called someone: Once or twice.

> 24) Been on stage: Yes


> 25) Shampoo: Thermasilk. But what's the point of this question? How does this help anyone to know more about me?

> 27) Color: Blue, green, red....I'm indecisive

> 28) Day/Night: Depends on the day or night. Some days are fun and some are not, and the same goes for nights.

> 29) Summer/Winter: Summer 'cause there's no school and you can stay up as late as you want, winter 'cause snow is pretty. :-)

> 30) Online Smiley: I used to like this one. :-Þ Because I'm a nerd. But now I don't really care.

> 31) Lace or satin: Both? I don't know, who cares?

> 32) Cartoons: Daria, The Simpsons

> 33) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No, thanks for bringing that up, though. I always like being reminded about how I don't have a boyfriend. Really brightens my day.

> 34) Like anyone: You already got me annoyed with that last question, do you really want to start with this?

> 35) Who have you known the longest of your Friends: Alice...not the cat...the person...and not Molly's mom...it's confusing.

> 36) Who do you talk to about your problems: Depends on the problem.

> 37) Who's the shyest: I dunno...not me anymore, right? Right?!

> 38) a) Who do you go to for Advice: Depends on what kind of advice I need.

> b) Who comes to you for Advice: Various people. I'm a good listener and I don't tell other people's secrets.

> 39) Who do you get the most surveys from: Molly. She's the only one I get surveys from.

> 40) Who do you cry with: Nobody, I hate crying in front of people.

> ~~**IN THE LAST 2 Weeks**~~

> 41) Cried: Not sure...I know I've cried in the past three weeks about something stupid.

> 42) Cut your hair: Yup.

> 43) Worn a skirt: Hmm...possibly? I can't remember.

> 44) Been mean: Of course. But I probably didn't mean it.

> 45) Been sarcastic: Always.

> 46) Met someone new: Um...maybe? I dunno, I can't remember.

> 47) Talked to someone you had a crush on: Bite me. I hate these questions.

> 49) Hugged someone: Yup.

> 50) Fought with your parents: When do I NOT fight with my parents?

> 51) Wished upon a star: No, I always forget to.

> 52) Laughed until you cried: Laughed really hard, but not till I cried.

> 53) Played Truth or Dare: Ick. I hate that game.

> 54) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Nah, I don't realize they're happening until they're over. Not that I'm usually awake for a sunrise anyway.

> 55) Went to the beach at night: Unfortunetely, no.

> 56) Spent quality time alone: I'm a latch-key kid. I spend lots of time alone. Although most of it is spent watching TV or onling or sleeping or reading, so I don't know if it's "quality".

> 57) Read a book for fun: Yes. People used to think I was weird because I read for fun.

> 59) Are you lonely: Sometimes, but not in an extreme way.

> 60) Are you happy: Mostly.

> 61) Are you talking to someone online: I was, but now they all stopped talking or signed off. Hmph.

> ~~**DO YOU BELIEVE IN**~~,

> 62) God: Yeah.

> Devil: Possibly. I call many of my friends the Devil. Maybe there's more than one?

> 63) Love: Haven't given up on that yet.

> 64) The Closet Monster: I haven't looked in my closet for awhile, so you know...something might have grown in there.
65) The Big Bang Theory: Yup.

> 66) Heaven: I hope so.

> Hell: Mr. Panek's chemistry class.

> 67) Superstitions: I pick up pennies when they're face up. And I don't walk under ladders, but that one's mostly 'cause I'm afraid they'll fall on me.

> ~~**JUST SOME MORE**~~

> 68) What is your full name? This is still the internet, you know. But my middle name is Emily.

> 69) Who named you? My parents. It's after my grandfather. Not a bird, like popular opinion might believe.

> 70) Backstreet Boys or N Sync? :::cringe:::

> 71) When was the last time you showered? This morning.

> 72) What color pants do you have on right now? Jeans.

> 73) What song are you listening to right now? Nothing, but I have Another Love Song by Queens of the Stone Age stuck in my head.

> 74) What was the last thing that you said: "Bye." Not very special. My grandmother called and got me to look up her cousins in Texas.

> 75) What was the last thing you ate? A sandwich. But I'm gonna go get some cup of noodles 'cause I'm hungry.

> 76) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: I'd really like to get a boyfriend before I even think about honeymoons.

> 78) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? You're dumb.

> 79) How many buddies do you have on your list? 69. No comments. Some of them are people who have too many screen names.

> 80) How's the weather right now: It was really nice out when I picked my dad up from the station.

> 81) Have you ever smoked pot? Nope. I've been asked, though. But...ech, I don't see the point.

> 82) What did you do last night? Wasted a lot of time and went to bed too late. And also bought a hair dryer.

> 83) What's the first thing that you notice in the opposite sex? Does it make me a bad person if the first thing I do is decide how good looking they are?

> 84) How are you today? Not bad.

> 85) How do you eat an oreo? I used to do the "make a wish" thing with my friends where you'd twist it and who ever got more cream would get their wish. Now I just eat them whole, usually.

> 86) Who makes you happy? My friends. Mostly.

> 87) Fave CD? I WAS listening to my Norah Jones CD a lot, but now I can't find it.

> 88) Dream car? One that drives and doesn't crash?

>89)have you ever won any special awards? Um...not that I can think of. I won "Most improved and outgoing" at camp once. I also won "Most likely to be triple jointed", though, so what does that tell you about camp awards?

> 90) What do you want to be when you grow up? Older (booo!!! Corny! Corny!!)

> 91) What are your future goals? Get through the year, get into college, make life better...think I'm reaching?

> 92) My fave music? It varies.

> 93) Favorite Food? Pasta with vodka sauce (hehe, vodka)

favorite movies? "Amelie" (yeah, that French movie, shut up), "Fight Club", "Bridget Jones's Diary", "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" (or whatever it's called, I'm bad with titles), "Sliding Doors" was pretty good, although weird. I dunno, I have a lot of favorite movies, those are just the ones off the top of my head.

> 96) Fave guys cologne? I dunno, I don't go around smelling guys...usually. :-P

> 97) Do you like to dance? When I can convince myself that no one is watching me and that I don't actually look like I'm having a seizure. So I don't dance very often.

> 98) Fast or slow? Let's see, how many times have I slow danced? Twice that I can remember. Once was with someone who I can barely stand and it makes me embarassed just thinking about it, and once was with Ian on the trip last year and we were being goofy and not really slow dancing...or at least I was being goofy and not really slow dancing. Am I forgetting anyone? So mostly fast dancing, though if it were with the right person I'd probably like slow dancing very much.

> 99) Are you too shy to ask someone out? Hell yes. Not without being very very convinced that they'd say yes. And even then I'd be scared as hell...

> 100) Fave name brand of cloths? I dunno. I buy stuff from Delia's, but that's not brand name, is it? It's all different stuff.

> 101) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I have one, but he usually gets kicked off the bed by me or my cat.

>102)ever been in love: I honestly couldn't tell you. That's a tricky thing to figure out.

> 103) What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? Like I'd really give you blackmail evidence?

> 104)what will your first son's name be? Jesus. But pronounced "Hey Zeus"....maybe Zeus for short...or maybe Hey...I don't know! You really think I spend time figuring this stuff out?!

> 106) What will your first daughters name be? Ms. Spaztastic Wondergirl. But Sally, for short.

> 107) What is your favorite drink? Mmm...chocolate.


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