Monday, July 04, 2005

People are more likely to read entries when they're short, did you know?

At work today I found a tape with a loose piece of plastic jingling around inside. I guess I get kinda goofy when I'm working alone and I'm bored and tired because I left the tape out with a note for Clay saying "there be somethin' loose in here...yo". When he came in and saw it, I seriously heard him start giggling hysterically. I like making people giggle.

I am a bad hostess because while my mom's friend from the city was in (who has known me since I was an itty bitty baby and who I think is rather nifty) I managed to fall asleep on the couch while we were sitting around waiting for my dad to finish dinner. And when I woke up, my mom had put a Tivoed Case Closed on. I got my mom into anime? Wtf?


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