Monday, April 25, 2005


Today I watched a TV show that consisted of little fat colored koosh balls with eyes running around, farting, doing some sort of waddle dance, and shooting light out of their heads in a way that I can only describe as "light ejaculation".

To break up the monotony of this, there was a little skit with children pushing a big gift box around, then blowing on it, a color changing...thing...popping out and the it turned into a skit about a Grandmother in the middle of the desert trying to sleep in a bed that magically appeared and winding up a giant music box. Then there was a very long segment of a rainbow flying all over the world, stopping only when children screamed "Look what I can do!" and jumping up and down/clapping/attempting to overcome what I can only assume was some sort of inner ear problem keeping them from being able to stand up properly. Then the farting koosh balls returned and the show was over.



Has everybody had their crack today?


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

The Boohbaahs have been a constant, albeit, unhealthy distraction to me over the passed couple of months. They provide an acid trip, birth control, freaky ass nightmares, and dance choreography all in one conveniently timed and pretty package.

Tue Apr 26, 04:44:00 PM  
Blogger honkeie said...

Farting koosh balls , hehehehehehehehe, god that is the best description i have ever heard lol.

Wed Apr 27, 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so glad I'm not the only one to describe those as farting koosh balls. I was trying to remember the name of the show and could only remember thinking of them as farting koosh balls. Thanks for giving me the name of that terrible terrible show!

Mon Oct 05, 04:15:00 PM  

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