Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Fuck Monkey

Why do the same two fuck monkeys seem to follow me around the entire campus?

Okay, they're not the exact same two all the time, but there's always two and they're always very similar. One girl who went extra heavy on the uberblonde highlights and some boy wearing his back pack too tight on his shoulders and trying to stare nonchalantly at blondie's boobs. And they're always giggling over something completely stupid. I don't know what exactly they're giggling over, but I assure you, it's most likely highly stupid.

I have a math test tonight and I think an in class essay in English. Yuck.


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

aaaaaaa hahahahahahah!

awww... you brighten my day robin. have a grand one. you deserve it.

Thu Apr 21, 04:37:00 PM  

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