Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Muppets for Free Speech

Does anyone else think that when Eminem does that screaming thing in "Lose It" he sounds an awful lot like Animal from the Muppet Show?

I really disagree with Bush on this whole idea that by outlawing abortion or banning it or whatever you want to call it you'll reduce the number of abortions. If you want to reduce the number of abortions then try counseling women, showing them the variety of options they have, strongly speaking out against abortion even, but you can't just outlaw it. Say you hate it, say you think it's evil and wrong, but don't force someone's rights away. Honestly, I really don't think that outlawing abortions will simply make people stop having them. It may decrease the number of abortions in the US, but it will increase the number of unsafe abortions that can end up seriously hurting woman, more babies that wind up in dumpsters or abandoned on the street, women having to drop out of school because they can't manage going to school and having children at the same time (I know there are a lot of women who have had children and gone to school and been successful as both mothers and students, but a lot of the time that's unfortunately just not the way it works out)...and lots of other things that I'm probably not thinking of.

I've said before that personally I wouldn't want to have an abortion. But just because I wouldn't want one doesn't mean I'm going to force anyone to agree with me or to live the way I live. Isn't that the whole point of this country? People can live their lives with their own beliefs, whether everyone agrees with them or not.


Blogger David said...

Isn't that the whole point of this country? People can live their lives with their own beliefs, whether everyone agrees with them or not.

Sort of. That is also what makes our country mad destructive, because when people live their lives with their own beliefs, they don't just live THEIR lives.

It makes perfect sense to me that you are a favorite weblog cuz entries like this are exactly what NJ people like to read. You say exactly the same things as Al Gore (would if he had a female body and not just female offspring) other words you live in Democrat-world =P

Wed Oct 13, 10:10:00 PM  
Blogger Ones and Zeros on the Interweb said...

What he means is, Robin, you're right. Any body with sense would vote for most of the Dem agenda babe - because it's civilised. And if anyone thinks banning abortion gets rid of the problem, think again - it only opens up the opportunity fro every shady crooked doc and dirty old midwife to do a kitchen table job on the poor girls that get themselves in the family way. Believe it - because that's what happens when you ban abortion... The results of this are often hideous. Better have ot done right, because it WILL get done.

Thu Oct 14, 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(it's toby) Holy crap, like, 6 minutes after I read your post, I heard Lose It on the radio and you are absolutely right about Eminem sounding like Animal the Muppet. Amazing. We are on the same wavelength.


Sun Oct 17, 06:49:00 PM  

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