Saturday, August 07, 2004

Titles go here...

Tomorrow I am going to a tea party! Whee! It's at Diane's, so it HAS to be fun. There's gonna be CROQUET, for Pete's sake. I mean, I don't know what croquet is exactly, and I'm bound to make a fool out of myself trying to play it, but who cares, I'm a 19 year old in a pretty dress and a big hat going to a tea party like a little girl, except with real people instead of dolls! I'm gonna dress up and wear the dress I got today for going to the Dominican Republic. And possibly a giant hat. I'm thinking Jessica Simpson at the Kentucky Derby....yeah...I watch too much MTV.

I've actually started reading stuff again. Hooray. I've also been spending way too much money on clothes lately. No good. Today I went to the Short Hills mall with my mother to look for a pretty dress only to be attacked by pretty things that cost more money than my house. Le sigh. When we went to walk into Bloomingdales we saw a LIMO sitting outside. Who takes a LIMO to the mall? Psh, crazy rich people. I was hoping maybe it was someone famous who was either in a really good mood or really drunk and giving out money to everyone they saw, so that I could get free money and get the pretty dress I saw in Guess (I nearly called up Linda to yell at her for being able to get stuff in there and I couldn't even get a stupid pretty dress, because I am a little whiny jealous bastard.). But free money.

I did see really obnoxious rich 13 year olds, though. Lord those chicks are a pain in the ass. 1. They scream really loudly in public just to say something to their friend right next to them. 2. They do it in a section of the mall that's really weird acoustically and everything echos and seems louder. 3. They do it while I have cramps, therefore they must die. Oh, also, they slide down the little side things next to the stairs. 'Cause they're way mature. Little rich punks. If they want to be so annoying they should at least give me some of their money for having to deal with it.

Yeah. I have cramps. I have to go. Bye.


Blogger Joseph Gomez said...

when you go to the mall and get attacked by little pretty things that cost more than your house... something's not right.

Tue Aug 10, 02:38:00 PM  

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