Wednesday, January 21, 2004

So last night I woke up a couple of times and got up to go to the bathroom and both times I got up I had the hiccups. It was the weirdest thing.

And now....

I can't. stop. burping.

And nobody even slammed my head in a car door. Have you heard Miles tell that story? Seriously, that is like the funniest story of all time. But just because it's Miles. And only when he tells it. I miss him, too.

So anyway, since I can't stop burping OBVIOUSLY I'm not gonna try sleeping. Heh. Yeah. That's why I'm not going to bed. Bad Robin.

I had my first day of classes! Excitement galore.

Actually, let me start off with last night. See, I keep having really weird dreams. I have no idea why. They're always kinda scary, yet cool, like a really good sci-fi show. Except then I wake up and go "WTF?!" and ask my mom weird questions to make sure that things that happened in my dream aren't real. Like whether or not there are actually mice that jump out of eggs when you crack them open and you have to smack them over the head with a spoon so that they don't attack you.

Yeah. Like that.

So last night Eliza Dushku came after me with a scalpel. Except she was Faith from Buffy. And she was nuts. And she had murdered my cousin. But my cousin was asian. Maybe. I think.

Actually, these weird dreams all sort of relate to things I was thinking about or saw before I went to bed. I read an article in TV Guide about Eliza Dushku playing a mortician or something. Freaky. And before that Josh had told me about a mouse he caught in his dorm. And that night when I was going to sleep I was hungry and wanted some eggs.

Anyway, so that woke me up at like 6 in the morning. Which sucked 'cause I'd only been asleep for like three hours. So then I tried going back to sleep. But...I suddenly had this really bad stomach ache. Because the heat was on too high and I had been under big blankets all night and was now crazy dehydrated. Rar. So that kept me up for maybe another two hours sipping water and watching the Today show and hugging my teddy bear. Aw...soft snuggly teddy bear. His name is Teddy. Original, no?

I got my ass out of the house around 12 and was only a couple of minutes late to my first class (and that was only 'cause CCM is designed worse than CHS...seriously). It's a web design class. My teacher is this awesome black lady who's like "I know I didn't just hear a cell phone...". Hope that class will be fun.

Then there was Psych. So, at first I was in this classroom and there were so many kids in it that there weren't enough seats. Then this really cool big bald guy walks in with a cup of yogurt and he's the teacher and he's all funny and cool, but tells us the class is too big and we're being split in two. So of course, I didn't get the cool bald guy. I got the very quiet woman teacher who made us interview each other and then sit in a circle. Ah well. Met a cool guy named Will who decided he wants to be a State Trooper after seeing Super Troopers. Apparently, he also had a syrup chugging contest with his friends. But that's not such a good idea. The teacher seems like a pretty funny guy, although the class itself might be kinda boring. Ah well, it's only once a week. Whatever.

PS The photography teacher said, "Don't take pictures of your pets. Or of kids. Because I'll fail you. And clowns kinda scare me, so don't take pictures of them either..." so I just had to ask, "What's there left to take pictures of?" Hmm...we shall see....heheh. Yes, I know, lots to take pictures of. But no kitty pictures. Oh well.

Now I'm going to go try sleeping. And hopefully stop burping.


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