Tuesday, June 03, 2003

The past two days have sucked SOOO much.

Yesterday Mr. May announced senior exemptions. I did not get one. I have an A average in the class. Except that I'm late all the time, so he says that because of that I can't get an exemption. Aside from the fact that he he said he wouldn't do anything to punish me for my lates, he technically can't do that. He has never written me up, therefore I have no "official" lates. So I SHOULD have the exemption. Except that he knows the dates I was late and if he wanted to, he could write me up. And probably would. So I can't really fight him on it. Although really he's just doing it to be an asshole because I guess he hates me for some reason? I can't figure out any real reason for doing this to me except to spite me. I told Rodriguez about it, and his response was, "What a petty abuse of power! I love it!" Rodriquez acts so evil, but I bet when he goes home he calls his wife "Shmoopsy-poo" and talks to his baby through his wife's stomach. Ha.
Mrs. Hershey said, "That's so mean!" and went and got her sheet about senior exemptions and showed it to me, and we figured out that I really can't do much about it because if he knows the dates I was late, he can still write me up and make it not only impossible for me to be exempt, but I'd get about a zillion detentions and never be able to make them up in time.
Mrs. Tenenbaum said she'd write a note for me asking him to reconsider. I told her it was okay, mostly because I don't want Mrs. Tenenbaum to really know how many lates I have. She'd be oh so dissapointed in me.

So after that rage-filling incident, I spent the rest of the day ready to kill someone. Then today, I came into orchestra (late as usual, but this time I didn't give a flying shit because why should I even TRY being on time anymore?) only to be forced to play a HORRIBLE song that no one wanted to play and nearly start crying half way through because I realized that Mr. May has ruined every orchestra event I've ever looked forward to all year. So after that lovely time, I went to the library with Matt where I was utterly grumpy (my poor Matt, the shit he has to deal with from me. I'm sorry, Matt, I love you).

After that was bio, which was easily the funniest period of the entire day. Only because the word "poop" was said at least 200 times. Mostly by me and Linda. Here are some quotes I wrote down, we were disecting pigs:

Stephane: "I definitely fucking cleaned you and now you're pooping again..."

Lyle: "What do you do if your pig has a lot of...um...poo-poo?"
Mrs. Hershey: "What would you do with a little baby who had a lot of poo-poo on it?"
Nicole: "Give it to my mom."

Linda: "Don't squeeze it, it's gonna shoot poop!"

Robin: (to Rebecca who REFUSED to wear gloves while disecting) "That's why you have to wear gloves, 'cause there's poop!"

Robin: "I'm being helpful...I'm writing down interesting things...I'm learning."
Linda: "About what?"
Robin: "...about poop?"
::Mrs. Hershey gives evil eye::

Linda: "Maybe it's a penis!...No, it's an ovary!...No, it's an appendix!"

Linda: "I'm glad this lab is over next week."
Robin: "So they can go to piggy heaven."
Mrs. Hershey: "The Columbia High School dumpster."

Rebecca: "Ew...what's it called came out..."
Robin: "Poop?!?"
Linda: "How could you forget what poop is called, we've been talking about it all day!"

Rebecca: "Ew, it's not the gooey kind, it's lumpy!"

Mrs. Hershey: "Oh, you're gonna make me pop the poop?!"

Linda: "It's nose fell off!"

Rebecca's pig (who we named Sunshine 'cause she was yellow-ish...Stephane's big was fuzzy 'cause he was really hairy...they had a theme song...it was interesting) had a REALLY long intestine. She used it as a jump rope and jumped three times in a row before it broke. Now that's skill.

Robin: "Rebecca's was so long! That pig was a....pig...."

When all the hilarity was done with, it was time for lunch, where Matt dangerously cut off Philippe for a parking space. And got punished for it by getting hit with a stick a few times.

We ate lunch and on the way back, I noticed something weird. One of my molers felt very different than it had earlier. After a minute of going "WTF?" I realized...hey...there's a part of my tooth that's not there anymore...so I started panicking and ended up spending the entirety of seventh period in the nurses office trying to get in contact with my mother. I ended up going back to class with part of my tooth missing and being extra grumpy for the rest of the day.

On the upside, I got a B- on my math test when I thought I had totally bombed it. Except that that's not high enough to get my exempt ::cries::

After school I was on the way home and as I was making a left turn out of town, this guy behind me starts honking at me and pulls up next to me, mid-turn. So I stop and he motions for me to roll down the window, which I do and he says, "Hey, you've got a toyota....wanna know a place you could get rid of all those dents in the back?"
To which I responded (and I really did do this), "What?! I'm trying to turn!!"
"I could do the body work real cheap!"
"What the...you stopped me in the middle of the road?!?! I'm driving!!!" and drove away as fast as I could.

Got home, phone wasn't working, was all angry and fed up with the world so I started crying and then called my mother who thought I was having a total mental breakdown. But then I calmed down and Matt came over and cheered me up with hugs. Yay Matt.

This is very very long.

Must go...there's a hole in my tooth...which means...hey, look over there! ::runs away::


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